WIP Another Anthro mod

Discussion in 'Characters' started by chamchivo, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. chamchivo

    chamchivo Poptop Tamer



    This is an anthro alteration mod for male characters of Stardew Valley.
    I'm planning to change all male characters to anthro, in alphabetical order.
    Alex, Clint, Demitrius, Elliott is currently done. EDIT*(And going to replenish them once all the characters is done)


    Edit: 23 March

    Gunther and Gus


    Edit: 24 March


    Edit: 27 March

    Edit: 29 March
    *Fix Note*
    3/23 *Fixed Demitrius' both arms turn temporarily human when he heading north. Thank you Eirrinn!

    They maybe contain non-canon eliment. They are a bit different from the original characters.
    for example, I have "toned down" Elliott's 19c fashion to look mordern.

    Copy the contents to your /Stardew Valley/Content folder.


    *Preview(SPOILER WARNING)*

    Alex.png Clint.png Demetrius.png Elliott.png George.png Gunther.png Gus.png Harvey.png Kent.png Lewis.png

    Alex_char.png Clint_char.png Demetrius_char.png Elliott_char.png George.png Gunther.png Gus.png Harvey.png Kent.png Lewis.png
      Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
    • Kokukoku

      Kokukoku Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      These guys are adorable! Nice work!
      I especially love how "thick" they looked, haha.
      Can't wait to see the rest of your work on this!
        chamchivo likes this.
      • Lutherian

        Lutherian Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        All males anthro ? Instant want !!
          chamchivo likes this.
        • Eirrinn

          Eirrinn Subatomic Cosmonaut

            chamchivo likes this.
          • chamchivo

            chamchivo Poptop Tamer

            Made two more of them today!
            Gunther and Gus.
            I'm getting used to drawing pixels X)
              Lutherian, Eirrinn and Kokukoku like this.
            • Eirrinn

              Eirrinn Subatomic Cosmonaut

              by the way, theres a slight glitch where demetri shows his backside his human colored skin shows through in his arms.
              Idk if its just my end or not
                chamchivo likes this.
              • chamchivo

                chamchivo Poptop Tamer

                Ouch, I fixed them! Thank you!
                  Eirrinn likes this.
                • chamchivo

                  chamchivo Poptop Tamer

                  I got spare time so made Harvey too!
                  • Eirrinn

                    Eirrinn Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    Eee these really make me happy tho. Are you planning on doing any more? I'd like to have a full town of anthros to give it an animal crossing vibe vwv
                    • chamchivo

                      chamchivo Poptop Tamer

                      I'm planning to do for all the male characters in Pelican Town!
                        Eirrinn likes this.
                      • chamchivo

                        chamchivo Poptop Tamer


                        it's my favorite married man
                          Kokukoku, Lutherian and Eirrinn like this.
                        • chamchivo

                          chamchivo Poptop Tamer

                          sry for late respond, but your comments were most encouraging!! Thank you!

                          I am supposed to be quick, I guess? X)
                            Kokukoku and Lutherian like this.
                          • Lutherian

                            Lutherian Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            Take your time ^^. I'm wondering how Demetrius will look :).
                            • komoribat

                              komoribat Void-Bound Voyager

                              Demetrius is already done isn't he? He's the black panther at the top.:chucklefish:
                              • Sherlock.

                                Sherlock. Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike this!
                                They looked so cool
                                • Kulf

                                  Kulf Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Hmm looking at Harvey, his portrait seems thick-ish. But his sprite looks very skinny, is it possible to make his sprite looks a bit fatter?
                                  • Lutherian

                                    Lutherian Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    Oh, off course ^^. So lovely !
                                    • chamchivo

                                      chamchivo Poptop Tamer

                                      Thank you! you will see all of them look more fluffy soon :)

                                      Actually you have a point! so, I made him a little bit stockier, a pixel broader shoulder and cheek :)
                                        TheFiddleCat and Kokukoku like this.
                                      • chamchivo

                                        chamchivo Poptop Tamer


                                        well I've done lewis today!
                                          Eirrinn and Kokukoku like this.
                                        • Kulf

                                          Kulf Void-Bound Voyager

                                          Woo awesome, he's much better now, also... OTTAAAAH!

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