Animal Pixel Size Increase

Discussion in 'Mods' started by ragdollnoelle, May 12, 2021.

  1. ragdollnoelle

    ragdollnoelle Void-Bound Voyager

    Sorry if this has been posted before, I have been searching for hours for help! I have unpacked Stardew Valley in hopes I could figure it out, but I am still stuck. I am trying to change the dinosaur into a dragon sprite that I have found. However, the dragon is much larger than the dino. So, while playing in game, majority of the sprite is missing because of this. Is there any way I can increase the size of the pixel area? I read that chickens are 16/16 & cows are 32/32. I don't know how to find this in order to edit it for the dinosaurs. Is there any possible way of making this happen? Thanks!
    • Bubba_bnbs

      Bubba_bnbs Void-Bound Voyager

      Each tile in the game is 16x16 bits. The reason cows are 32x32 bits is because they take up 2 tiles by 2 tiles. Dinosaurs are coded to be that tiny. Apperance-wise, even if it was possible, they'd clip through the coop door, crowd the inside of the coop, and the collision would be off. I'd recommend trying to find a 16x16 bit sprite or drawing it smaller. Or you could turn the cows into dragons, that'd be kinda cool. I wish I could help more but I don't think there is much else you can do. :/

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