RELEASED Animal Onesies for Toddlers [Junimo onesies are up!]

Discussion in 'Characters' started by pizza margherita, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. pizza margherita

    pizza margherita Phantasmal Quasar


    (This is my first time doing something like this, if there's i missed or did something wrong, please tell me)

    In older HM games, the player's kids were usually wearing animal-themed clothing. I wanted my kids in cutesy animal onesies too and et voilĂ ! I'm bad at words.

    Critiques and suggestions are welcome! :3

    • You can only pick ONE per skintone!!
    • Place the files in Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Content\Characters


    From left to right: Cats, Bears, Penguins and a Frog


    Comes in Red, Yellow, Blue Green, Green and Grey


    Comes in Pink, Blue, Purple, Orange and Light Green

    ((.......posted the wrong link oh man))
      Last edited: Apr 4, 2016
    • michiewolf

      michiewolf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      These are amazing! cant wait to see the boys uwu
        Himbeerninja likes this.
      • pizza margherita

        pizza margherita Phantasmal Quasar

        Thank you, I'm glad!
        • pizza margherita

          pizza margherita Phantasmal Quasar

          Just uploaded the boy's onesies! They have the same design as the girls', sorry that it feels like a cop out ^^;

          Thank you for the likes!! <3 I really appreciate it
          • lilipea

            lilipea Phantasmal Quasar

            These are sooo cute!! I always wanted the toddlers in little animal clothes similar to HM but couldn't do it myself, you did a great job <3
            • Superior_s

              Superior_s Sandwich Man

              This is amazing.
              • endermaryn

                endermaryn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                These look adorable but I am unable to figure out what some of the animals are. Out of curiousity, is there a list somewhere?
                • Berret

                  Berret Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  These are the most adorable things ever and I want them all!
                  • Superior_s

                    Superior_s Sandwich Man

                    I'm pretty sure it's two cats, two bears, two penguins, and a frog. They are labeled in individual folders when you download it.
                      endermaryn likes this.
                    • pizza margherita

                      pizza margherita Phantasmal Quasar

                      oooh, thank you! <3

                      Thanks for mentioning this to them :3 I'll go update the OP

                      And thanks for the interest everyone!!
                      • monteso

                        monteso Big Damn Hero

                        Too cute. WAY too cute
                          pizza margherita likes this.
                        • Superior_s

                          Superior_s Sandwich Man

                          Are you planning on doing any others?
                          • pizza margherita

                            pizza margherita Phantasmal Quasar

                            A bunny version is on it's way but other than that i don't know which animal to do next considering the limitations of these tiny things.

                            Unless you guys wanna suggest then i'm all ears! I can't promise the quality but I'll tell you if it's just not possible to do haha;;;
                              Superior_s and KarmaJones like this.
                            • KarmaJones

                              KarmaJones Orbital Explorer

                              How about turtles?! >w<)/
                                pizza margherita likes this.
                              • pizza margherita

                                pizza margherita Phantasmal Quasar

                                Turtles huh, honestly never crossed my mind haha.

                                yeah ok i'll try :)
                                  KarmaJones and Superior_s like this.
                                • Superior_s

                                  Superior_s Sandwich Man

                                  • monteso

                                    monteso Big Damn Hero

                                    How about a Junimo sprite. The little ones from the community center.
                                      KarmaJones likes this.
                                    • Superior_s

                                      Superior_s Sandwich Man

                                      Cows? Duck? Some other type of bird? Green T-Rex? This could go on a while, just think children animal Halloween costumes. Lol
                                      • pizza margherita

                                        pizza margherita Phantasmal Quasar

                                        with those little apple stems on their heads? that sounds really cute! i'll queue this up and see if it works. thanks for suggesting!

                                        I have a cow wip what a coincidence lol, it's more of a tribute to the HM SNES baby. Duck sounds cute!

                                          KarmaJones, RaulMarq, Meevers and 2 others like this.
                                        • Superior_s

                                          Superior_s Sandwich Man

                                          Those look great.

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