I was thinking for new relic ideas, when I realized that having the "Amplified Characters" option would be "kind of cool."
What is "Amplified Characters"?
All that means is that you will be given an option, after completing a certain feat, to switch your character's four z,x,c,v abilities to something somewhat similar, but different.
Think of FTL - Ships can have a Layout A and a Layout B. Basically this is what I'm saying.
For example:
the Commando's four abilities are
Double Tap, (Shoot twice 2x60%)
FMJ, (Shoot through enemies 230%)
Tactical Dive, (Roll forward small distance)
and Suppresive Fire (stun/hit 480%). (Do i really have to remind you? )
With the "amplified characters" option, you could change the character's playstyle (just a little!) without deviating from his default layout (See what I did there? ).
So, for instance, the option could change his abilities into something like this:
Single Shot, (Fire once 130%)
Hollow Point, (Shoot through 4-5 enemies 300%)
Sprint, (What do you think it means?)
Tesla Prototype (Stun all enemies within long range for 2 seconds)
I just pulled these off the top of my head, but hopefully you get the idea. (I even used colored font to show contrast!) The amplified character, (Or B- character) may also have a different appearance, for multi-player purposes.
So do any ofYOU have any ideas for the OTHER characters? I would love to hear them! I would also love to hear the ideas for the Sniper!
Hopefully this idea will get picked up by the devs and we can have more replayability! Because it's all about the replayability!
Thanks for reading!
Edit: Since people (or a person) is picking up my idea, and I'm a huge fan of the Mercenary, I'm going to post my idea before anyone else does. (Mwahahahahaha)
For reminder:
laser sword: slash dealing 130%, whirlwind: slice twice, blinding assault: dash up to 3 times 120%, eviscerate: attack 6x110%
-Laser Hammer: Smash at a slow rate for 190% damage, up to 5 enemies.
-Tornado: Spin around with your hammer acting as a counterweight. Deal 250% damage in both directions, also knocking enemies back. You are immune for the duration.
-Mighty Strike: Leap forward and land your hammer on the ground, stunning enemies for 1 second and dealing 150% damage. If an enemy is killed, you can do it again, to no limit.
-Eradicate: Throw three boomerangs in one direction, hitting all enemies for 110% (like the sawmerang), and for each enemy the boomerang kills, when it comes back, you recieve a temporary stat boost to attack speed and damage, starting at +4%, and stopping at 40%
He's a bit bulkier
Last edited: Aug 12, 2014