LoPhatKao submitted a new mod: Airlocks! - Making airlock doors useful since last tuesday! Read more about this mod...
LoPhatKao updated Airlocks! with a new update entry: Four More Door Read the rest of this update entry...
Except he didn't include the ancient doors, and only included a patch file for the vanilla ancient doors...
butt-butt? are we back in elementary/grammar/first form? if so, i am rubber, you are glue - anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you! also, i'm tellin teacher! <runs away crying>
there's a problem with the airlock hatches that causes them to function as a normal wall item instead of a door. they don't have a hitbox or wiring nodes to connect to them and cannot be opened like normal doors or hatches.
I have experienced this as well. The normal doors work, but the horizontal ones are useless except as decoration.
@LoPhatKao Don't know if you're still active here, or if you still maintain your non-steam mods, but if you're going to look at this, can I make a request? Is there any way to make an airlock that opens slowly over a few seconds instead of snapping open? I have an airlock system that I worked out with macrochip that runs through a series of steps, the last of which being opening the outer airlock door. The problem is that the door just flies open... which isn't a problem per se, but it bothers me on an aesthetic level. Thanks!