Zoomah submitted a new mod: Advanced Proximity Sensor - Decide what you want to scan for Read more about this mod...
Platforms are basically non-blocking material and not entities... i know there are a few object based platforms in dungeons, tho. Anyways... i don't see the relevance, since that sensor is meant to detect moving things, which are basically just players, npcs or monsters. Having a platform somewhere would result in a static output signal (which the sensor is for), what would make it meaningless... you can go through the material block by block, but it would lag you out more than anything else and is a little pointless. The upcoming moving (vehicle based) rail-platforms, might be another story, but then there you have rail-switches to automate things Its more meant for traps... lets say trapdoors with lava or poison underneath for those little pestering monsters around your base... Or for doors, to open them only for you and your tenants... some things like that... about hiding the sensor... i could add a configuration checkbox in the dialog at some time later, to hide the thingy
It seems that the sensor is not scanning from the "middle" of the sensor? It seems to be 1 block (or maybe half a block) in difference, where if you come from the left of it, it responds that tiny bit faster, than the right of it. Which sadly makes it not work properly, with my two-wide door system, where I have a two-wide door, with a sensor over it. Works on one side, but if you where to flip it vertically, you wouldn't be able to go through from the right. So, here's a little example: The O is the sensor, the HH is the two-wide door, the X is wall, and A is just air. XOXAAAAXOX XXAAAAAAXX HHAAAAAAHH Going through left and/or right is fine with the first door, but you can only go through the left on the second door. Range would be on "3" for the scanning area. The first scanner is over the right part, on the first door, and the second scanner is over the left part on the second door. Hope I could explain it enough, for understanding?
I'd say: increase the scan range.... but i'll take a look into it can you also check if you switched "ignore walls" off maybe?
Zoomah updated Advanced Proximity Sensor with a new update entry: little tweaks Read the rest of this update entry...
@AleriaAlexie: I tested your environment and you should set the range to 3.5 with the new version... worked like a charm for me
Zoomah updated Advanced Proximity Sensor with a new update entry: missed a line... Read the rest of this update entry...
Zoomah updated Advanced Proximity Sensor with a new update entry: since i couldn't sleep... Read the rest of this update entry...
what about adding another parameter for changing how long the scanner stays on after it detects an entity? as of right now the scanner stays active for around 25-30 seconds for me not sure if that is intended or just from some horrible frame rate i'm experiencing at the moment
Mostly the second... it has a delay of 0.25 seconds right now... so yeah... i could do that, but it won't improve your experience all that much... nightly runs much smoother... so maybe you want to wait so long
Zoomah updated Advanced Proximity Sensor with a new update entry: Optimizations Read the rest of this update entry...
I discovered one of the changes in Starbound that effect this mod, the crafting station for wired items was renamed in the recipe scripts, it is now "craftingwiring" instead of "wiringstation". Hopefully not much else needs fixing for the Advanced Proximity Sensor since its an extremely useful mod to keep NPCs and creatures out of different places along with adjusting sensitivity of wired doors.
Thats why i put a big red line into the description. I'll fix it as soon as i find the time. I also want to switch from penguin GUI to scriptpane... gimme some time, please
I'm in no rush, the Starbound update caused a lot of mods to break, and a few of the ones I use were personal edits of older mods that now need manual patching.
Zoomah updated Advanced Proximity Sensor with a new update entry: Updated for 1.0 Read the rest of this update entry...