Advanced Farming Techniques!

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by DJFlare84, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

    Ideas for "advanced" farming techniques!

    First I thought I'd bring up this for comparison. Using the Watering can, players have to manually water their crops, and check in periodically to see if the soil is dry, or their crops won't advance to the next stages of growth. It's tedious but rewarding.

    Irrigation is the next step up! Irrigation works by programming tilled soil so that it can react to the presence of nearby water sources (within 3 tiles of distance) and absorb water nearby to become moist automatically. The downside to this is you must place strategic spaces between your crops where pools of water are to be set, and as the soil soaks up water from the pools, the water level decreases. Player still has to come back periodically to make sure the water pools are refilled, but they don't have to sit around and babysit their plants as much as with the Manual Watering technique.

    The absolute best way to water your plants, but also the one that requires the most work. First you must obtain critters and enclose the farm in a box the critters can't escape from. Place a pool of water in the center and prevent the pool from making direct contact with soil so it doesn't seep in and drain the water levels.

    In order for this method to work, a few changes need to be made. First, critters need to be able to become "soaked" from entering and exiting water, and tilled soil tiles need to be programmed to obtain moisture from "soaked" NPC's that stand on them.

    Now when the critters wander back and forth across the farmland they carry water from the pool with them (and since this is only a status affliction caused by the water it doesn't actually drain the water level). In exchange for working hard to create an effective natural enclosure you're rewarded with having no work ahead of you at all, save for actual collection and re-planting of crops as desired.

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