When you start with modding, you start small. Don't try to create something really big right away or you'll most likely crash your game right off the bat due to lack of experience. It's all part of learning so do not feel bad about it. I'm sure even sayter started small.
The only way you could really jump in with big things is if you have previous experience to draw from. For me, I started modding after doing some 3D models for Minecraft, which also uses the JSON format, so I was familiar with the syntax, which made reading the config files and understanding them that much easier. Everyone had to start small at some point, it may just not have been here with Starbound.
True. Absolutely true. I started in a similar way, to be perfectly honest with you. My first mod I ever made was literally just a duplicate of a torch that simply produced more light, in that same game. Not sure what can be called "Small" if that isn't classified as small.
When I have time, yes. Most, however, is up to date and works fine. You simply have to be cognizant of a few minor adjustments.
How do I modify a biome to have a chance to spawn objects in that biome but not for all of the worlds? For underground5a and other underground biomes I have. Code: [ { "op" : "add", "path" : "/undergroundPlaceables/items/-", "value" : { "mode" : "floor", "priority" : 1.0, "variants" : 1, "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundCrops", "type" : "object", "objectSets" : [ { "select" : 2, "pool" : [ [0.1, "hironseed" ], [0.2, "resoniteseed" ], [0.11, "zoastoneseed" ], [0.17, "rootpopseed" ], [0.35, "capsulesmall" ], [0.35, "capsulemed" ] ], "parameters" : { "startingStage" : 3 } } ] } } ] How do I properly do this? Thanks!
look at how I do things in FrackinUniverse. This is not a thread to teach about patching. There are many for this already. If you want to patch without headaches: http://chbrown.github.io/rfc6902/
This was not a question about how to patch... I want to spawn hironseed, resoniteseed, zoastoneseed, and rootpopseed on occasion in the biome, but not all the time. (For example 10% of underground5a biomes would have these plants) Looking at the FrackinUniverse files I don't see this and my patch file is correct, I just don't know if "select" works with surfacePlaceables and if the game is smart enough to ignore "parameters" if it does not have the specific parameter or value.
I got my biome to spawn and generate, however sometimes in the starmap the planet's texture becomes huge and the horizon doesnt show at all. However, most of the time both textures work, but the mask for the horizon doesnt work at all How do I fix this?
Temporarily remove all mods. Many mod makers don't make sure their mods are error free, so if can flood a log with pointless error messages. Try it again and post the log again. Also, use pastebin.com so it doesn't flood the thread with long posts.
1. Stop posting so many times in a row. Edit posts if you need to. 1.5. You need to make sure you changed all references to the original tentacle biome so it doesn't break. You really need to study how the existing biomes work and how they link between files. 2. Use a new character. Existing ones likely rely on the removed mods. 3. Every day. I work with computers.
Again, stop multi-posting. one post, then edit it if necessary. Post your mod here. Zip it up and I or someone else can take a look at it.
Hmm... that's odd, guess there's something on the other computers end that's preventing it. What mods do you have?