Current three part series by @Naddox, he goes through how to make a new ore and add it to terrain generation.
Actually released episode 5 yesterday I'm eventually going to cover how to add basically everything in the game. Items, Missions, NPC's, Race, Quests, Ships, ect.
I do actually. We'll use Ageisalt ore for an example. In your matmod for your ore, you should have a line that reads "renderParameters", where it chooses the texture of your ore and everything. You can add a line inside the render parameters to add a glow effect, which would be: Code: "radiantLight" : [ 0-255, 0-255, 0-255 ] To look like this in your code: Code: { "modId": 26, "modName": "aegisalt", "itemDrop": "aegisaltore", "description": "Aegisalt.", "health": 5, "harvestLevel": 5, "breaksWithTile": true, "miningSounds": [ "/sfx/tools/pickaxe_ore.ogg", "/sfx/tools/pickaxe_ore2.ogg" ], "miningParticle": "orespark", "renderTemplate": "/tiles/classicmaterialtemplate.config", "renderParameters": { "texture": "aegisalt.png", "variants": 8, "multiColored": false, "zLevel": 0, "radiantLight": [ 75, 75, 75 ] } } the 3 different numbers are going to work on a RGB(Red, Green, Blue) scale. Keeping them all the same number will use a grey scale and the higher you get to 255 the brighter they will glow. 0,0,0 is black or not at all, and 255, 255, 255 is going to be pure white and very bright.
And to add your new ore to world generation, patch into the oredistributions.configfunctions file in /biomes/. Be forewarned, however, that this file is pretty big and the patch file will have a pretty complex "path" value.
Regarding oredistributions.configfunctions: am I correct in assuming that that rows beginning with 0.5 control the distribution for Tier 1 planets, 1.5 being Tier 2, 2.5 being Tier 3, etc?