Adaptive Reuse Poll - Closed JoJa Mart

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Teah, Nov 28, 2017.


What would you like the Closed JoJaMart to become to enhance our community?

  1. Bank

  2. Coffee Shop and Bistro

  3. Gift Shop

  4. Restaurant

    0 vote(s)
  5. Barber shop/ Beauty Salon

  6. Gasoline Station

    0 vote(s)
  7. School

  8. Fitness Center

  9. Bed and Breakfast

  10. Youth Center with a Skateboard Park and a place to play music

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Teah

    Teah Void-Bound Voyager


    I would love this changed to be something useful instead of a run down building after completing the Community Bundles.

    Vote now on what you would most like to see this changed into in the main story line.

    Feel Free to do a write in :)

    Maybe take the top three choices and give us another bundle quest to pick which one we want it to develop into.
      Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
    • Teah

      Teah Void-Bound Voyager

      New Housing addition (For Pam, Penny and Linus)
        nekoCrimson and medicdude like this.
      • Phea

        Phea Big Damn Hero

        It would be cool if it could be somewhere you could get a temporary job (like a little minigame) and earn a few gold doing it.
        • Fineya

          Fineya Space Hobo

          The problem I see is, that the major have no money.... Oh wait... What if WE can change this market whit missions like the bundles.
          This would be good!
          • AliCat

            AliCat Poptop Tamer

            I think the player should be able to have a choice on what it should be replaced as.
            • Youth Center with a Skateboard Park and a place to play music if they like Sam, Abigail and Sebastian and Alex.
            • School if they like Penny, Maru and Emily, Harvey and Shane. It could have children from the next town to come to as well.
            • Bed and Breakfast for tourist to relax, bring more money in to the town and to enjoy Leah's art and Elliott's readings and Haley's photography.
            • Fitness center for everyone to go to. Especially since Caroline, Jodi,Emily, and Robin and Marnie all go to Pierre's General Store to exercise.
              Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
              Pururinm, frisbii and medicdude like this.
            • AliCat

              AliCat Poptop Tamer

              I think the player should be able to run for mayor since no one has run against Lewis in 20 years and the player is the one who fixes everything in the town.
                frisbii likes this.
              • mikeloeven

                mikeloeven Big Damn Hero

                I was thinking something like a military surplus store that would sell better endgame gear than the adventurers guild perhaps better weapons, larger back packs, actual body armor instead of just fancy boots, tents, camp stoves, things that would allow you to make a full expedition into the skull cave the campsite gear allowing you to spend the night (since there are no elevators you can go deeper)
                  AliCat likes this.
                • nekoCrimson

                  nekoCrimson Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  I think with any solution, you would have to be able tom implement it not just as "another building" but into the world, too. Stardew Valley is closed off from the world (as stated by..... one of the NPCs, I don't quite remember?) so you'd have to justify having it.

                  I think a school is the best option out of the ones on the poll, because that's something that is actually alluded to being missing, but there's only 2 children in game (player's kids don't count since they never grow up) and one character who acts as a teacher (Penny). A gift shop would have practical purposes for the player but doesn't make much sense for the lore.

                  I'd actually like to second the idea for turning it into a sort of small apartment complex for Pam, Penny, and Linus. (Maybe with one or two empty apartments for new NPCs or modded NPCs?) The interior is big enough to justify doing that (if the apartments are small enough, you could definitely fit more than 3, and Pam and Penny live together so you really only need 2) and there's space outside (where the truck is) to be turned into a small yard or something.
                  • AliCat

                    AliCat Poptop Tamer

                    Ok, so this took me a little while but here's my ideas of what the school building could look like in place of Joja Mart. Then where the fence on the right of Joja there could be a small play area with a park table so the kids could have brake and lunch. I might make the inside of the school as well.

                    Stardew School Spring.png Stardew School Summer.png Stardew School Fall.png Stardew School winter.png
                      nekoCrimson likes this.
                    • Monopoly

                      Monopoly Poptop Tamer

                      I'd love to see a school replace it, and like others have previously mentioned, kids from Stardew Valley, and perhaps neighbouring towns could attend. As well as your own kids, if and when you have them. (Dialogue and more purpose for having children please! (I know this isn't the thread for that))
                      • Fuzzyman

                        Fuzzyman Cosmic Narwhal

                        There are older threads about this. IIRC one of the more popular ideas was an aquarium where the previous Joja employees could work, the player can put fish there on display and the player would have to
                        1 purchase the title from the mayor (lots of gold)
                        2 supply the building materials, lots of wood, stone and refined quartz
                        3 either have Robin do it or a side quest from the junimos directly (I favor the junimos)

                        The aquarium could have a gift shop

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