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Notice Account Confirmation Help Thread

Discussion in 'General Forum Help' started by Ordona, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    You both should be set
  2. ZoomSta

    ZoomSta Orbital Explorer

    Can't see the e-mail at all, mind activate it?
  3. adwaithmadhav

    adwaithmadhav Intergalactic Tourist

    nope getting no confirmation mail
  4. lordbagels

    lordbagels Void-Bound Voyager

    i can't activate my account. help me pls
  5. lordbagels

    lordbagels Void-Bound Voyager

    never mind i got it sorry for the inconvenience
  6. jacklolkiller

    jacklolkiller Space Hobo

    PLS, IT STILL wont sent any emails to me, pls validate.
  7. Pros599

    Pros599 Seal Broken

    I'm unable to validate and have waited around an hour after two separate accounts. Please validate!

    Thanks :)
  8. lily-less

    lily-less Aquatic Astronaut

    i got the email but i cant validate it?? it .eads me to an error page please help :(
  9. Andelis

    Andelis Space Hobo

    i cant activate my account, i never get the mail
  10. MissBianca

    MissBianca Orbital Explorer

    I'm not getting the email. I'm sure I typed my email correctly.
  11. SamK13

    SamK13 Void-Bound Voyager

    I can't activate my account. Please help! Thank you :)
  12. StyxTheWanderer

    StyxTheWanderer Aquatic Astronaut

    I have received the confirmation mail but whenever I try to make confirm my account I get an error message.
  13. Ravenous73

    Ravenous73 Space Hobo

    Have not received my email please send it D:
  14. Trashy2012

    Trashy2012 Space Hobo

    Yeah mine is not Sending my email at all
    Ive tried many times but nothing is working
    please get back to me thank you
  15. lorkon

    lorkon Space Hobo

    This is weird. I was about to use the two-step verification through my email but the actual verification email for myself didn't get sent.
  16. vilasboas

    vilasboas Space Hobo

    not receiving the e-mail
  17. hellbrecht

    hellbrecht Space Hobo

  18. DerLeon2000

    DerLeon2000 Intergalactic Tourist

    I dont get the confirmation e-mail, please just activate my acc :)
  19. Floobsie

    Floobsie Space Hobo

    Confirmation email wont come up and ive been resending for a couple of times, please help if possible
    thank you
  20. ToastedGenius

    ToastedGenius Space Hobo

    I have recently registered an account on this platform and am not getting a verification email. Thus I am unable to access the mods on this platform. I hope the moderaters would help me activate my account manually.

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