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RELEASED Access Granted 2.0

Accessories and References Galore!

  1. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Crusism and Apple Kid like this.
  2. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    The helmet for appleman would be a candy apple red and be this kinda helmet
    With a neon red visor and a "stem" antannae sticking out the back with a leaf dangling off.
    As for the clothes it would probably be somthing similar to old school 80's starlord
    Only your choicr in colour pallet
    Crusism likes this.
  3. Apple Kid

    Apple Kid Big Damn Hero

    You've put way too much effort into this lmao, I'm gonna have to draw Appleman now.
    Crusism and nuker19 like this.
  4. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    When you are awake at 5 am watching people who can take care of themselves you get alot of time to think
    Crusism and Apple Kid like this.
  5. Apple Kid

    Apple Kid Big Damn Hero

    This is very true, I can agree with this.
    Crusism likes this.
  6. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat


    Oh! How about if you do make these items wearable you could call them "AoAM&SB memorabilia"? Or somthing like that. The tooltips coupd be this:
    Apple man helmet: "its just hard plastic and foam but it still looks pretty awsome".
    Appleman jacket: "the pockets are not even real, they are just flaps! Still cool though..."
    Appleman pants: "poofy where it isint needed, tight where it is, you feel silly but also pretty heroic"

    Sproutboy bandanna+sprout: "oh THATS how they made the little sprout stick out of his head!"
    Sproutboy leotard (top and bottom): "this is utterly humiliating..."

    Dr sour wig, moustache and monocle: "you feel pretty nefarious wearing this licensed memorabilia"
    Dr sour labcoat (top): "the neon green labcoat isnsuprisingly breathable!"
    Dr sour labcoat (bottom) "comfy slacks and oxford shoes, weird combo, verrry cushy"
    Crusism and Apple Kid like this.
  7. Apple Kid

    Apple Kid Big Damn Hero

    Hell, when I have the time I'll just make a full mod with all that
    Clothes, weapons, the works.
    Crusism and nuker19 like this.
  8. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    8D that sounds awsome! I'm still willingnto do a full script
  9. Apple Kid

    Apple Kid Big Damn Hero

    If you really want to, then go for it! I'm not gonna stop ya.
    Might be a little while before I start on another mod tho since I'm still working on updates for Starsuits and Access Granted and I've still got a lot of work to do on MEGA MOD...
    Busy busy busy.
    Crusism and nuker19 like this.
  10. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Whats mega mod?
  11. Apple Kid

    Apple Kid Big Damn Hero

    Well, MEGA MOD is a mod filled with classic Mega Man themed items, weapons and a few other things.
    And when i say classic, i mean before Mega Man x since nobody's made a classic Mega Man mod for Starbound yet.
    Atm I'm working on the busters, first thing that was made tho was a custom Rush pet.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Crusism likes this.
  12. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Well that sounds awsome, you got my blessing for that mod
    Crusism likes this.
  13. Crusism

    Crusism Big Damn Hero

    Holy Shit. I've only been away for a few days, and what a good read through the posts this is. X'D

  14. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

  15. Crusism

    Crusism Big Damn Hero

    Entertainment Value. =P
  16. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Alright then
  17. enderlordalatreon

    enderlordalatreon Big Damn Hero

    I am actually, driving me crazy, no point speaking about right now. How long does it take you to make a helm? Seems like a decently large process.
  18. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    My little brother requested a tiny cactus in a clay pot on top of the head as a hat
  19. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat


    He also wanted his pet bird as a hat, like either on top of the head or on the shoulder if possible

    The bird looks like this
  20. Apple Kid

    Apple Kid Big Damn Hero

    Actually, it surprisingly only takes me about 15-30 minutes to make up the sprites (including the icon sprites) and coding for em
    I just take awhile to update the mod because I'm usually busy with a lot of things... Like the next update probably wont be until a few weeks since I've been busy working on sprites and ideas for a game.
    And if you'd like some help with your mod, I offer you my assistants!

    Did you not already see the tiny head cactus? That was one of the first items made lmao, it should be under the name Dennis. It'll probably get a sprite update soon since it's pretty outdated looking.
    Also, i plan to make a shoulder bird BUT I can make a bird update with a bunch of different birds either on your head or shoulders because I mean, I honestly want a big ol' owl to chill on my head.
    Crusism likes this.

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