Haven't upgraded on SMAPI. A while back I noticed that some of the mods I use didn't appear to work with the latest version. I can't say I've checked recently, but this shouldn't be construed as a criticism of SMAPI itself, which is fantastic. It's just that I'm happy with what my mods can do now. If that changes, I'll upgrade. CLS does work perfectly well with SDV 1.11, however.
I upgraded to SMAPI 1.15 today and I'm LOVING it! Not only it tells you exactly which of your mods are no longer compatible, but it also links any existing upgrades (even non-official ones). It's brilliant! And I know I'm using a mod to access chests anywhere, just not sure where I got it from. There may be more than one version at this point.
Probably using Pathos' updated fork ( http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/smapi-chests-anywhere.122603/ ). Should probably use that one if you're on latest SDV and SMAPI (basically does what this mod and CLS does combined).
@littlemoduser Neither mod works with recent versions of the game. You can use Chests Anywhere instead (which can be configured to only show labels if that's what you want).
@Pathoschild I'm not sure how to configure it. Uggghhhh I'm looking for a recent label chest rn on nexus Edit - Can't find any
Hi guys, has anybody found a way to have your fridge restored to normal size? This mod has made my fridge shrink and I cannot scroll to see all contents.