Is there a way to change the hotkey button because I noticed it clashed with other mods I have/ want to (re)equip?
Afraid not. I have no idea if the modder intends to include this in any upcoming release. He's been away for a while, but stated he was only going to be working slowly on his mod because of ongoing activities.
Really hoping for the ability to change the hotkey and for mouse over text. I'm really loving this mod, but those two functions would make things easier. Currently have two mods using the B-button, which can sometimes be a bit annoying, but I love them both.
You might want to look back over the last page or two in this thread. A problem was creeping featuristis: one user was making a horde of suggestions (many of them quite good), and the modder was agreeing to put many of them in. It may be that what you want was among these. In any case, the result was that the next release is being delayed a long time.
Well here's to patiently waiting for the modder to release an update then, though I realise that real life has to come first.
Thank you for mods Please add "Sort by chests name" example: me have 20+ chests at farm , chests name #s1 at top and #s2 at bottom, me have to scrol to from top to bottom again and again (when me stack item by type).
This makes my vineyard so much easier. (EDIT: I'm also using CJB's automation and this is just aces.)
I'm working on recoding the mod to make way for new features. Blacklists, whitelists, gamepad hotkeys, configurable hotkeys, tool tips on item hovers, search feature and sorting chests. But the catch is i don't have that much time to work on this. Only 1or 2 hours a night. So its gonna take awhile. And i wanna ask something else. Is the UI good enough? Or does it need something?
I like the UI, though I think it would be nice to either have the scrollable selection on the side (instead of a dropdown) or even just some kind of Page Up/Page Down functionality to quickly switch. Also to echo things that have already been said, being able to sort by chest name would be awesome.
the scrollable selection seems a better option. I'm working right now, I'm gonna have to think about this later when I get home and see how would I implement it and if a normal window size have space for it. Thanks for that suggestion , i knew there still something out of place in the UI
@hurrshire short answer?yes... however i have so little time a day and i usually play games till i doze off whenever i had time. but im constantly thinking about this mod. brainstorming and such. recoding and reworking UI too, to make the code more organize for future updates and bug fixing. the new UI will look like this This is the base. Meaning this will be the main area of the mod, and i will work around it to add stuff. On the left area will be a scroll-able list for storage's. So you don't have to click and scroll with mouse-wheel every-time you want to get to a chest. You can guess whats going on the right area. Of-course Location Tabs and other stuff will go above it or bellow or on the right. I'll see to that when i get there. Like i said, I'm remaking the code so its more organize. So I wouldn't have to re-code every-time we think of something to add.
Is chests anywhere compatible with any of the farm automation mods? I read pages back saw it mentioned it CTD but have not seen if there was a way to make them work together. Unless is that what the chest blacklist option is for?
@General Chaos: Access Chest Anywhere (this mod) and Chests Anywhere (sister mod) should both be compatible. If not we can look into a fix; try it out and let us know.
I was not asking about if it compatible with Chest Anywhere, i asked is it compatible with any of the Farm Automation mods.
that was what @Pathoschild meant. I don't remember how it got fixed or was it ever been fixed but it seems nobody have problems with it anymore as I don't see anybody complaining about it
just want to say thanks for this awesome mod, love it. no problems with it so far, ive got about 8 mods including this one and i am running GOG version with no CTD's
hello guys, as you might have noticed, chest label system by orSpeeder has been abandoned and for the life of me i couldnt just continue while a great mod is discontinued. ACA needs Chest labeling, and i couldn't just add the chest labeling and renaming features to this mod as its COMPLETELY or somewhat UNRELATED to ACA, WHICH as it name implies, access chests from anywhere. I couldn't just cram both in one mod. So I have to recreate Chest Labeling. This idea was on my mind since I started ACA though, and i had a couple more things that i wanted to add. So 'ChestEx' was building up in my mind. Now that Chest Labeling is gone, I'm free to do whatever i want. I'm gonna start project ChestEx. It will include chest labels and hover labels like what Chest Label System does, but it will also include upgradeable chest. Each upgrade will add one row of slots (12 slots to be precise), so you'd be able to add more items, meaning less chests, meaning less clutter on your farm, meaning more space. Also, double chest? tell me what you guys think and what you guys want in it as im still at the planning stages. Then I will come back Rewriting ACA. EDIT1: i forgot, also virtual chests. Virtual Chests are hidden chests. It works like this, if you want to destroy a chest while there still items in it, you can destroy it and hide its contents to a virtual chests, and then when you place a chest on the ground/floor, a popup will come up if you want to put a virtual chests contents in that chest