yeah. That's what I meant by grid snapping. Snap through the menu items and lists with left stick, scroll with right stick. A to select, hold X to get one at a time.
I was just thinking that this morning. It's possible, I did a brainstorm while brushing my teeth. If CA wont do this, someone need to make an API for these. Make all mod that wants snapping , include this API on their mod. I already have some ideas on how to implement this. If no one wants to take this up, I will make this as soon as I finished recoding ACA.
what do you mean by that? Like enable crafting of an item if the item required is not in your inventory but on another chest?
It only puts the other keys to use if you decide to install the mods. Holding left on the d-pad while purchasing will stack. My personal version I added Dropbox uploads to the .bat so I'm always on the right day when switching computers. Not for everyone, but I like not having to use my keyboard. Dread having to use it to name animals though. Basically all you'd need to do is download JoyToKey and map that key to whatever button until it's added to the mod. I hope the default mod button is mapped to 'RB'! Or remappable..
No, I mean that you can access crafting menu from access chest everywhere menu. Using normal inventory for crafting is kinda tideous because i usually just use your menu for inventory management edit: also if it would be possible to combine items (placing bait to rod) throu your menu it would then render old inventory totally obsolete.
wow, I have never thought of making the current inventory menu obsolete...heh,hah,Ha,Hah,HAHAHAHHA...NOW I'm gonna make this mod and render the inventory menu obsolete. GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Make it compatible with the mod that shows item prices too and then you're there. If you add links to all the other stats screens too, then there's no reason not to bind controller's start button to your menu.
VlspReaderUS, any chance you'll have out a new version this weekend? You mentioned adding mouse-over text and searching earlier in this thread--and I admit, I was looking forward to trying them out. Best of luck, regardless.
@Borodin , there's still much to do and so little time. Now that summer has started, my work is piling up. So many new costumers. I'll try to get a beta tomorrow so you can see what I added already. Mouse over text is done and I need to look up first on how to add a text box for the search function.
oh. Like add a tab for statuses. Like when you press start menu, theres a bunch of tabs like the options tab, the inventory tab, crafting tab, etc etc... Damn. This would look better for if i do this. Shit, you guys keep adding stuff. And its all sounds great that i have to rethink how to do this all over again. Im crying but also excited how this will turn up at the end.
Do it in stages, as a series of releases--or you'll get creeping feature-itis, with more and more suggestions being factored in, and never get a release out. Believe me, I've seen it happen in Oblivion.
xD. That is exactly what is happening. All right, I'm done taking suggestions for now until the next release. I'm adding everything suggested bwfore this message though. Imma get cracking when i get home
You prob have to change your mods name at some points. VispReader's Superior Inventory? But yeah, if you add those, I'll bind your menu to start button and prob never use the old one again