I tried removing all mods and just this mod and label mod, but still crash, I tried this mod only, still crash, I tried trainer mod, this mod and label mod and still crash.. I tried reinstalling stardew valley and this mod alone (with smapi) and it still crash. smapi is also up to date. oh and im using GOG stardew valley.
I think that's the problem, I have the steam version and never crash. Maybe the author will tell you more about it.
yeah, 2 guys before you has this problem too. its because they are using the GOG version. i dont know why it does that, it shouldnt do that unless the code is different than the steam version(i highly doubt that though but who knows). I couldnt reproduce that problem as i have the steam version, you might need to move over to steam, sorry. @Ichimatsu and @Zahn : allright, im gonna check how to add new items later tonight. See if i can add double chest, should be doable as ive seen some mods that adds new machineries and that more crops mods. Also i will add the item search on my to do list, thats a must when i released double chests. Scrolling up and down to search for that one fish can be a tad tedious. I'll get right on this tonight. all fired up, getting excited, brains tingling, somethings coming. HOORAAH ::edit1:: also to make item search meet its fullest capability, i will add another option in the locations tab and say 'all'. meaning it will list all items thats exists on all chests that exists on all the locations...hmmm, ::edit2:: yeah, another one... on locations tab: the 'all option' will get show all items that exists on all locations on chests tab: the 'all option' will only show all the items that exists on that specific location damn, im a genius
Is there any chance you can get together with this guy and create a version that works seemlessly with this? http://community.playstarbound.com/...chest-pooling-gateopener-toolcharging.111988/ It's a chest pooling mod that basically lets you deposit in any chest and automatically moves that item to the correct chest if there's an existing stack. If it's not possible to make a compatible version it's alright, but getting these two to work together would be amazing.
I'm noticing that I can't bring up popups of item names in chests after hitting B and accessing a chest via ACA. Without using ACA, just clicking directly on the chest, those item name popups are available. The only other mods I'm using are: SmartMod Chest Label System CJB Automation
I haven't implemented mouse hover texts and tool tip yet. I was gonna add that in the upcoming releases when I figure out what to put in the tool tips. And it paid off cause its gonna be different sometimes because of the search item feature. On that feature, when you search for a specific item from all the chest, the tool tip will also include the chest name and location of that specific item
Loving this mod. Can I request controller support? Maybe to either left or right bumper? Those two buttons on the controller aren't mapped to anything.
yeah. When I do the configuration option for hot keys and the option to switch to blacklist or whitelists, I will add the controller support
Thanks! I don't know if this was mentioned or not yet, but is it possible to make it so that it shows the names of the items when you hover over them in the UI? When I access my fish chest I have no idea which fish is which because some of them look incredibly similar.
Brilliant! Works fine. Steam version. Is it possible to add Fridge from farmer house to list of chests?
haha, yeah. I don't know why no one asked that yet. I was planning to add that on the next version, amongst other things
Really love this expansion - Thank you so much! Even works fine with modlocation as The Bus Stop Storage and the Farm Expansion by Advize. I noticed however that the game seems to crash to Desktop when you place a chest and press B before opening it once (version 1.1.0) happened to me once in the Farm Expansion and once in the farmhouse. It was the first chest to be placed there.
currently working on recoding the mod. I found something interesting tht might give issues on future game updates. Including the desktop crashes. I missed it before because I'm a newb at this. Ofcourze the next release will also include many new features like the search option, white list. And blacklist toggle. Controller support. I'm sure I'm missing something else. It will come to me when I get to it. Should be done by this weekend. Also thanks for the support.
Added support in a test build. Probably works. Would be great if you shoot me a heads up if/when ACAMenu.chestItems ceases to exist/ returns something different, you know, since you're recoding it.
the next version will use the built in methods for taking and placing items from/to chests. so you dont need to change your code, your mod will work seamlessly on mine after update. just revert it back when i released the update i guess