Modding Help A way to extract specific resources.

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by ratkintheoverestimated, May 4, 2018.

  1. ratkintheoverestimated

    ratkintheoverestimated Phantasmal Quasar

    Before I post anything else, I should say that I have 0 coding knowledge. I can copy like a mofo though.

    So I'm a bit stuck here on a mod I've been mucking around with.

    What I'd like to do is have a crafting station where you put in a single type of item and it outputs one of two types of items i.e. item A and item B.

    item B is exactly what you'd need to go onto the next step of the process.

    Item A however can be put into the crating table again and will then output item B.

    To be more specific, say you have tea leaves. I'd like to put the tea leaf item into the interface and get dried leaf (item A) and withered leaf (Item :cool:. Then I'd run the dried leaf through the machine once more to get to the withered leaves.

    I'd like to set it up that there is a chance to get more dried leaf than withered leaf.

    Lastly, I of course realize that I can have a simple crafting interface where I can craft item A and/or B using the base item as a recipe requirement, but the above way would be a lot more fun if it could be implemented.

    Any assistance would be appreciated.
  2. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    The recipe system is really set up to output a fixed output. With LUA one can build a "recipe" dynamically and feed that to the interface. Indeed I have done so here. That generates guns with random seeds for vending machines. Several versions. So that's almost possible... But you'd have to say the outcome is already decided before you go to craft it, and that decided outcome will be shown. Thus someone can decide to craft knowing full well what the outcome is. Try that link out, and you can see how close you can come to this, but how far away you still are. Because you can see exactly what gun you're going to get before you pay for it. Even though the generation is random each time... you know the outcome before committing.

    Going around that probably means totally replacing the crafting interface... not using the engine for this but making it happen with pure LUA would require a decent effort (more than this seems to justify) and of course coding knowledge you say you don't possess.
  3. ratkintheoverestimated

    ratkintheoverestimated Phantasmal Quasar

    Hey, thanks for your input. I'll check your link out and see if I can figure something out.

    Edit - Wow that mod seem to be really in-depth. This is going to take a while. :D

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