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RELEASED A Simple Stone Torch [v1.4]

Simple, easy-to-make torches for your deep-cave exploration needs.

  1. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    G.Xyon submitted a new mod:

    A Simple Stone Torch - A simple, easy to make torch for your deep cave exploration needs.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    G.Xyon updated A Simple Stone Torch with a new update entry:

    An update!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. omzeryth

    omzeryth Tentacle Wrangler

    is this mod pleased compliant?
  4. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    From the patch notes of Pleased Giraffe, it should be! If you encounter any errors or issues, feel free to drop a report right here.
  5. omzeryth

    omzeryth Tentacle Wrangler

    seems to run fine
    G.Xyon likes this.
  6. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    G.Xyon updated A Simple Stone Torch with a new update entry:

    Typo Fix

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Artix3

    Artix3 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I love the idea of this mod, stone torches are very handy, but is there a reason there has to be a stone rod item? What'd be wrong with just cobblestone + fuel = 4 torches?
  8. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    Nothing, really! But I intended the mod to work much similar to how regular torches are made: Unrefined > Planks + Fuel = Torch. As well, part of the idea of the mod is to get rid of cobblestone by making it into something you'd actually use, like rods for torches of multiple functionality. Though, the same could be said for directly converting cobblestone into torches, but I suppose that would take more space in storage (a full stack of cobblestone vs half a stack of stone rods).
  9. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    G.Xyon updated A Simple Stone Torch with a new update entry:

    An extremely late fix!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

  11. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Apparently, this mod and my Radioactive Metals conflict because they both edit the Ore Merchant item pool to include older ores.

    Here's mine:
    { "op": "add", "path": "/oremerchant/0/1/-",
        "value": { "item" : { "name" : "plutoniumore" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "outpostMission1.gearup" } ] }
    { "op": "add", "path": "/oremerchant/0/1/-",
        "value": { "item" : { "name" : "uraniumore" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "kelpquest.gearup" } ] }
    { "op": "add", "path": "/oremerchant/0/1/-",
        "value": { "item" : { "name" : "uraniumrod" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "kelpquest.gearup" } ] }
    { "op": "add", "path": "/oremerchant/0/1/-",
        "value": { "item" : { "name" : "solariumore" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "heatskin2.gearup" } ] }
    { "op": "add", "path": "/oremerchant/0/1/-",
        "value": { "item" : { "name" : "solariumstar" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "heatskin2.gearup" } ] }
    Here's yours:

        { "op" : "add",
        "path" : "/oremerchant/0/1/-",
        "value" :  {
            "item" : { "name" : "plutoniumore" },
            "prerequisiteQuest" : "outpostMission1.gearup"
        { "op" : "add",
        "path" : "/oremerchant/0/1/-",
        "value" :  {
            "item" : { "name" : "uraniumrod" },
            "prerequisiteQuest" : "penguinmission2.gearup"
        { "op" : "add",
        "path" : "/oremerchant/0/1/-",
        "value" :  {
            "item" : { "name" : "uraniumore" },
            "prerequisiteQuest" : "penguinmission2.gearup"
        { "op" : "add",
        "path" : "/oremerchant/0/1/-",
        "value" :  {
            "item" : { "name" : "solariumstar" },
            "prerequisiteQuest" : "coldskin2.gearup"
        { "op" : "add",
        "path" : "/oremerchant/0/1/-",
        "value" :  {
            "item" : { "name" : "solariumore" },
            "prerequisiteQuest" : "coldskin2.gearup"
    Here is the post indicating a conflict:


    Your thoughts, G.Xyon?
    Azidoazide Azide likes this.
  12. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    Seems like it conflicts alright! I'll see if I can tinker about and add a test operation to the oremerchant so it cancels if it finds the items already added to the lists by your mod. Probably might take a while though...
  13. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

  14. MrMadJackVIII

    MrMadJackVIII Void-Bound Voyager

    Your link is dead again.
  15. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    Drat, fixed now! Hopefully it'll stay up this time.
  16. Utkudakid

    Utkudakid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Does this have the "light" tag yet?
  17. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    G.Xyon updated A Simple Stone Torch with a new update entry:

    Updates and fixes!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

  19. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

  20. slowcold

    slowcold Pangalactic Porcupine

    A wonderful mod (for some reason I can't leave a review, but it'd be 5 stars, no question.)

    Any plans for doing anything futher with the stone rod crafting material?

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