Modding Discussion A place to discuss map editing and other related stuff

Discussion in 'Mods' started by QuantumConcious, Apr 1, 2016.

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  1. Jinxiewinxie

    Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

    That is a very smart work around!
    • QuantumConcious

      QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

      Now i can put the cave back in and another special supprise that alot of people want in the farmhouse. Lets just say it will save you a walk to to it. It's a clean solution to a dirt job. :)
        Jinxiewinxie likes this.
      • Advize

        Advize Cosmic Narwhal

        So the wallpaper and flooring stuff is handled by specific code in the FarmHouse class, there is nothing you can do about this via .xnb modding.
        • QuantumConcious

          QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

          Hey Advize how are you... Yeah i myself know about the wallpaper it has been the baine of my mod for sometime, but it is fixed now. Would you know why when i add an extra tilesheet not already exixting in the farmhouse like say the mine.png it always messes with the bottom part of the wallpaper no matter what the tilesheet is. Even when it is added to the yml in the same order it is in tide. I got around it my making my own tilesheet by adding the tilesheets i wanted to the end of farmhouse_tiles but keeping the origional farmhouse_tiles in the same spot as to retain the tile id's.
          • Advize

            Advize Cosmic Narwhal

            I have no idea why it would do that, can you show me a screenshot? Also, is your added tilesheet becoming the first, or last tilesheet in the list of tilesheets?
            • QuantumConcious

              QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

              It always changed depending on the tilesheet i added it went by the name alphabetically i believe. But the mine.png tilesheet was second on the list in tIDE so i put it second in the list in the FarmHouse2.yaml. But now i have combined all the tile sheets i need now into 1 the farmhouse_tiles.png that i will supply with the next mod version.
              The order in tIDE was townInterior.png, mine.png, farmhouse_tiles.png, walls_and_floors.png.
              This was my yaml
                target: "w"
                compressed: true
                hiDef: true
                type: "xTile.Pipeline.TideReader, xTile"
                version: 0
                numSharedResources: 0
              content: {} #!TBin
                path: ""
                - "townInterior.png"
                - "mine.png"
                - "farmhouse_tiles.png"
                - "walls_and_floors.png"

              By combining the tilesheets into 1 i no longer get the wallpaper glitch and can use all the tiles from the 3 tilesheets i combined without the farmhouse_tiles.png tiles being messed up.
              • Advize

                Advize Cosmic Narwhal

                I'm thinking that maybe by changing the natural order of tilesheets you might be causing it to mess up. A look at the code suggests it sometimes places wallpaper on Back layer tiles and sometimes on Building layer tiles. I would try getting mine to appear either first or last in the list of tilesheets (both in your .tbin and .yaml files), and see if results vary.
                • QuantumConcious

                  QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                  How would i do that as it puts it where it wants the only way i can see is to chnage it's order with notpad++ via a tIDE .tide save
                  • Advize

                    Advize Cosmic Narwhal

                    The tilesheets go in alphabetical order of their ID. By default, the IDs in FarmHouse are indoor, untitled tile sheet, and walls. Simply change the ID of your mine tilesheet to be zMine and it'll go to the end of the list. aMine and it'll go to the beginning.
                    • BoffoBoy

                      BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                      so lost in photoshop while I wait on TaintedWheat to finish work placing 'clutter' all around my storage mod, but in the mean time.....

                      That's just the tip of the ice burg, I just figured to start a new file before I started hardcore on more wall paper sets.

                      oh and never mind on the colors Advize, I put together something from a website.... here, catch!

                        Attached Files:

                      • taintedwheat

                        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                        which is taking forever I know, god it's not my fault i'm blind as hell and whatnot!

                        no way to make it like part of the house some how and people put their own furni-junk?
                          RoastedCoconutz and Superior_s like this.
                        • BoffoBoy

                          BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                          That file is to be read left to right each row a set of complimentary colors. Basically they can be use as floor tiles if you want or a guide on what looks good together when dealing with wallpapers and what not. I've been trying to address the lack of real options contained in towninterior for map modders but well, I get distracted easily!
                          • dk2020

                            dk2020 Space Penguin Leader

                            First great stuff here, lots of info. Keep up the good work. The wall paper issue is due to how CA has things hardcoded into the exe. In the exe he actually defines wall cordinates. So the actual wall that can be wall paper are hardcoded into the exe. So when you extend the walls or make new one, they can't be wall paper willout using smapi to add new wall coordinates to the wall list of the farmhouse.

                            for the coders: I believe this defines the walls that are able to be wall papered in the exe, adding to the list should grant more wallpaperable walls .
                            public static List<Rectangle> getWalls(int upgradeLevel)
                                List<Rectangle> list = new List<Rectangle>();
                                switch (upgradeLevel)
                                case 0:
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(1, 1, 10, 3));
                                case 1:
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(1, 1, 17, 3));
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(18, 6, 2, 2));
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(20, 1, 9, 3));
                                case 2:
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(1, 1, 12, 3));
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(15, 1, 13, 3));
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(13, 3, 2, 2));
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(1, 10, 10, 3));
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(13, 10, 8, 3));
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(21, 15, 2, 2));
                                    list.Add(new Rectangle(23, 10, 11, 3));
                                return list;
                            i'll probably revisit modding once work is less hectic and I've more time.
                            • QuantumConcious

                              QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                              LOL i knew this was the case and i don't code and can not open the exe to view the code.
                              • BoffoBoy

                                BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                              • QuantumConcious

                                QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                                Yeah it will work just add it to the bottom part that is on the building layer
                                • BoffoBoy

                                  BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                                  packing! I'm making a version of that without the floor tile on the left half
                                  • QuantumConcious

                                    QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                                    You will be suprised what you will find by checking back tiles and build layer tiles. Some though need the NPC near by like the busstop and shops ect
                                    • CobaltDemon

                                      CobaltDemon Void-Bound Voyager

                                      I've been trying for a while now, is it possible to make a warp from one map to a *specific* part of another map? I made a new room in the farmhouse map, and I can warp precisely from inside the farmhouse, but if I make use a warp from the farm cave or farm it just warps me to the front door instead of the new room. I triple checked the coordinates, code, etc but I've never tried anything like this before.
                                      • BoffoBoy

                                        BoffoBoy Existential Complex

                                        I've never tried to warp to the house on account that place is a nightmare of variability and special wtf; Quantum is a brave brave soul to attempt to tackle that nightmare of spaghetti code.

                                        Other than that, most warps in game are from one map to another so yes they work normally and warping from one part of map to another is just as easy really.

                                        I think it's something to do with the house.
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