Modding Discussion A place to discuss map editing and other related stuff

Discussion in 'Mods' started by QuantumConcious, Apr 1, 2016.

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  1. tiffy961

    tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh, I think that was me. I accidentally changed the name like a complete fool. I updated the link. Try that version please :)
    • blossomjuice

      blossomjuice Void-Bound Voyager

    • tiffy961

      tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

      Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
    • Moragaine

      Moragaine Existential Complex

      @tiffy961 Your tilesheets aren't in the same folder as the farm .tbin when you're editing it.
      • blossomjuice

        blossomjuice Void-Bound Voyager

        So this time, the map loaded correctly, but the bugged plant (located directly next to/on top of the farm house chimney) is still showing.
        • tiffy961

          tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

          Ah, I had not checked the Nexus post so I did not even notice it. I only saw the pond plants. I have reuploaded the fixed file again

          I hope it's all fixed now!
            blossomjuice likes this.
          • blossomjuice

            blossomjuice Void-Bound Voyager

          • tiffy961

            tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

            No problem at all! I'm glad I could help (and learn some more in the progress). Have fun
              blossomjuice likes this.
            • stefi2006

              stefi2006 Void-Bound Voyager

              It may sound wierd,but wen I open a tbin file in tiled editor it shows it with red crosses.What should I do? (I am offline if it matters)
              • Lilycatspy244

                Lilycatspy244 Void-Bound Voyager

                Can anyone help me? I'm using Tiled to make maps. Usual maps were no ploblem but other CG maps were crash my game.
                In the begining, the CG maps can normally loaded by the game. Somehow now these maps have bug.
                I don't know what I nedd to do.:cry:
                Here's the video that I make it.

                Mochi's House have normal maps. Mochi's CG have CG maps.

                EDIT:My errorlog

                  Attached Files:

                  Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
                • Wingyl

                  Wingyl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  That means the map can't find the tilesheets!
                  • maeru_maeru

                    maeru_maeru Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    The first thing I'd suggest would be to switch to Tiled instead of tIDE. What format are you saving your maps as- .tbin or .tmx?
                    • Yuka Code

                      Yuka Code Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      I have a question. I created a new custom map by tIDE Tile Map Editor. But after i merge my map, i can't warp another place in map.
                      • firstfruits

                        firstfruits Void-Bound Voyager

                        I was all set to start editing maps, but after using xnb-cli to unpack them, I have nothing but json files. Help, please.
                        • PcpR

                          PcpR Guest

                          Hi, I downloaded a map from someone else's mod, but there's some little things I'd like to change/fix (For personal use) And I'm having a problem making some tiles act like dirt (I can't plant anything on them) but I don't know how to solve that on tIDE.
                          I tried to use Tiled but it says it can't open .tbin files
                          How do you change the tile properties on tIDE?
                          Or how can I open the file with Tiled?
                          • Allayna

                            Allayna Ketchup Robot

                            figured i'd post this here too so I hit the map editing crowd specifically....
                            While using my edited town map, I'm having the special orders board be invisible during the cutscene where robin and lewis are building it.
                            any ideas what could cause that?
                            here's my map

                              Attached Files:

                            • Kattia

                              Kattia Subatomic Cosmonaut

                              Hi yall, ive been off the modding scene for a while but came back for SDV 1.5.
                              I see that there has been some changes to the farm map. We can move the greenhouse (heck yeah <3) and ConcernedApe has made some tweaks around the spouse area.

                              Im running my custom map but there are now two areas that I am unable to place buildings on.
                              First area is in front of where the farm cave used to be.
                              Second is directly below the spouse area.
                              I have checked the tile properties and there shouldnt be anything preventing me from placing buildings here.
                              I believe below the spouse area had this restriction before, but the cave one seems new to me.

                              So are these two hard coded? There wouldnt be any easy ways to get rid of this, or?

                              • Pangaea

                                Pangaea Forum Moderator

                                Because the official modding community has moved to the official forums this thread is no longer needed. Locking.

                                Check this thread for current modding links.
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