Modding Discussion A place to discuss map editing and other related stuff

Discussion in 'Mods' started by QuantumConcious, Apr 1, 2016.

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    JOHNKRELL007 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I thought that grey wall was some kind of barrier to the map, and the buildings are the green house and farm house, what's under them seem kinda weird, like why would your house have fences under it?
    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

      You cant move either of those, as their positions are hardcoded into the game location itself.
      • TheRaven81

        TheRaven81 Pangalactic Porcupine

        This is some info I recently acquired from a friend on the SDV discord, and I thought it might be useful to people:

        "What are all of the legal layers of a SDV map, what order do they go in, and what special functions do they have, if any?"

        There are 5 layers one can work with:
        1. AlwaysFront
        2. Front
        3. Paths
        4. Buildings
        5. Back
        Most of them are self explanatory:
        • Back is all tiles you Can walk on top of
        • Buildings are tiles that you can't walk over at all, it'll block you
        • Paths is the layer where things like NPC Tracks, and spawn positions for debris, Grass, Bushes, and Trees(Oak, Maple, Spruce) go. Only uses the tiles from the paths tilesheet.
        • Front is things rendered above your character and AlwaysFront are rendered above that
        • AlwaysFront are only really used for maps with a large outside scene
        The only special features to layers come with Buildings and Back
        • Buildings is the only layer to have "Action" as a settable parameter
        • Back is the only layer to have "TouchAction" as a settable parameter
          Last edited: Nov 13, 2016
          joyous.ariella likes this.
        • Entoarox

          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

          ** a SMAPI mod could add extra visual layers behind the Back and in front of the AlwaysFront layer without impacting the vanilla rendering
            IronZelly and joyous.ariella like this.
          • TheRaven81

            TheRaven81 Pangalactic Porcupine

            My post says "legal layers". That means the ones you can use without your silly SMAPI magic.
              joyous.ariella likes this.
            • Entoarox

              Entoarox Oxygen Tank

              SMAPI magicing them doesnt make them illegal layers, it simply means they wont work on vanilla, but since XNB modding is messing with vanilla, the same can be said for any mod :p
              • AngryCat

                AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                I'm working on a collection of "Expanded Farms" (3/5 farms complete so far), and beta testing has found that you can't build in the new space I added.
                Is there something I can edit to fix that, to make the extra space register with Robin?
                • Entoarox

                  Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                  Nope, there is no magic way to let you build in locations other then the Farm location, you need to do a LOT of work with SMAPI in order to allow that, and even then it isnt perfect.
                  • JOHNKRELL007

                    JOHNKRELL007 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    could you somehow merge them with the normal farm maps?
                    • AngryCat

                      AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      In what way?
                      • Nishtra

                        Nishtra Big Damn Hero

                        I think in the case of AngryCat's maps it's still a Farm location since they are just larger versions of existing farm maps.

                        On quick glance I couldn't see anything in code that references the size of farm map or otherwise gives explicit restrictions on tiles that can be used for building. The only thing I noticed - buildable tiles should have properties "Buildable" set to "t" and "Diggable" set to any value (true or false doesn't matter, it just should be listed).

                        Edit: Wow, I was actually right. I changed tile properties on the Rolling Hills map and extra territory was available for building.
                        2016-11-23_22-47-31.jpg 2016-11-23_22-47-48.jpg 2016-11-23_22-49-03.jpg 2016-11-23_22-49-50.jpg
                          Last edited: Nov 23, 2016
                          AngryCat likes this.
                        • AngryCat

                          AngryCat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Huh, good to know! I'll have to go through and update them to fix that - thank you!
                          • KATpwnd

                            KATpwnd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            So, I was planning on adding an extra character so I wanted to add a house to the town. I made sure that it wouldn't interfere with any of the walkpatterns of the villagers and such but I can't start my game anymore. I even tried with a new saveslot.
                            Does anyone know what I can do against this or where I went wrong?
                            • TheRaven81

                              TheRaven81 Pangalactic Porcupine

                              is there an error log we can see?
                              • KATpwnd

                                KATpwnd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                It simply says that the game stopped working as soon as I want to load a saveslot or want to start a new game. :/
                                • TheRaven81

                                  TheRaven81 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  are you using SMAPI at all? Maybe there will be an error in the console that we can go off of...
                                  • KATpwnd

                                    KATpwnd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    no, I'm not. All I used was tIDE and Notepad++ to add the tilesheets. But I'm rather new to the whole coding thing so I'm not quite sure if I forgot a step or if I need SMAPI to add something. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious here but I was just trying to get familiar with the whole thing ;w;
                                    • TheRaven81

                                      TheRaven81 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      It's ok. If you are willing, you could post your files here, and we can take a look at them, maybe find the problem.
                                      • TheRaven81

                                        TheRaven81 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      • KATpwnd

                                        KATpwnd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        Would you still be there in about an hour or so? Gotta get myself something to eat now so yeah
                                        And I'd be really grateful for that!
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