Poem A Flawless Starbound Christmas

Discussion in 'Winter Holiday Contest' started by Sham, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    'Tis but a compliment to your fantastic parody!
  2. sacredvows

    sacredvows Space Hobo

    I enjoyed the Poem [It made me want to read more about Starbound as I know a limited amount at this point. I also wanted to let you know that you are actively making the community better Sham. I haven't been part of the community long, but I strongly believe people who are either a] you , or b] like you will help this game go farther :)
  3. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Sham be good, Mon.
  4. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    High praise indeed. I can only hope that I am able to meet your expectations.

    Thank you for your kind words, and good luck in the contest!

    D'aww you!:notworthy:
  5. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    >mfw poem

  6. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    Saal, you know I don't speak anime.:giggle:
  7. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    But I think you can understand my reaction from these gifs :p
    Unless you're on dial-up.
  8. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    I am indeed on the dial-up.
  9. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    Sorry, but Konata is too epic for describing with words. :iswydt:
    Assume that you've made good job and I'm happy. :DD
  10. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    Tell Konata to give me real internet!
  11. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Your poem is toooooooooooooooo epic!
    Also, I made an audio of my song if ya wanna hear it...Beware:Ear-Death included.
  12. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    It'll have to wait until I make my next trip to the library, but I will definitely do that!

    I am sure it is wonderful.
  13. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    will tell ;__;
  14. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    Excellent. Now where is your entry?
  15. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    I think I've already asked you about anti-lazyness pills. :unsure:
  16. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    It's called motivation, and if you want I can give you some.

    Make an entry, or I will eat all of your space crops!
  17. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Need some?
    *Hands you pill bottle*
    Sham likes this.
  18. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    Oh, right, this is the internet. I didn't even consider just creating some.
  19. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    Yus. Thank you.

    *runs to drawing room*
  20. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    These Space crops?

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