A couple of questions/suggestions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dhoule, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. Dhoule

    Dhoule Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi there! I'm a huge fan of AW, and I have some questions.

    1. I think I've read (maybe listened?) somewhere that there will be Fog Of War, along with different climate effects, as in Advance Wars. I'd like to know if the AI will be able to see through the FOW as if it wasn't there, excluding forests and reefs. This happened in AW and AW2 and it felt frustrating and so unfair. I think it was removed in the next two games, though.

    2. There will be 12 heroes, each one with their own story and campaign. That's wonderful! But there is something I couldn't do in any AW: be able to play any campaign mission I've already cleared whenever I want. The problem here is that if you loved some missions, you had to go through ALL the campaign again to give it another shot, which I found painful. It doesn't seem to me too difficult to make this possible. You could sell those missions in "the shop" after finishing them, maybe only if you did it with a S rank, giving the game more sense of achievement and, why not, even allowing to play them with whatever hero you want, just for fun! :D

    3. I've seen the heroes fighting in the maps. Will they have any kind of power to expend, as in AW (not talking about faction skills)? Also, will they earn experience, progress and level up after those battles? I hope not. That'd make WarGroove SRPGish, and I don't know about other people, but I wouldn't like that ^^u.

      Last edited: Jun 26, 2017
    • Maxsk1

      Maxsk1 Void-Bound Voyager

      1. I don't think they will have AI cheating fog. But there is no way in knowing.
      2. By the looks of it, you'll be able to replay maps you cleared, but again, we'll have to wait and see.
      3. Every hero is planned to be unique, and from what they've said, I think its safe to say there is no hero level up system like in advance wars dual strike.
      • blueYOSHI

        blueYOSHI Void-Bound Voyager

        1. Its way easier to code enemies to see through the FoW, it takes a lot of time to code it so they cant see through

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