Dev Blog 7th January - We Have a T-Rex

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    I hope we also get some very Starboundish fossiles, no only somethign we know form our RL.

    Also, it could bring back a use for the boss graphic assets thats gone

  2. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    i still means there should be a steampunk robot version of that dragon
    Astrih Konnash likes this.
  3. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    you mean a glitch version of it?
    General Nuclear likes this.
  4. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    yeah that would be cool and that is programed to burn down villages and kidnap princess then it would make even more sense to make that decoy princess that they removed
    Astrih Konnash, arden03 and LilyV3 like this.
  5. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    we have shackles and other stange prison and torture devices, so why not a decoy princess as just style item. truly sad the item went gone it was a nice decoration. And probably the most awkward plot using a mechnical princess decoy to call an undead dragon to get his claws ( a always hot drgaon bone) to craft and upgrade the ship with a module to jump to another sector.

    Like: slap a few things into a "story" that would never make any kind of sense together. This was clearly achieved with a 15/10
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2016
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  6. Sharp(JQ)

    Sharp(JQ) Ketchup Robot

    I can revive it? :)
  7. Phantaeon

    Phantaeon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh boy. I want to see Sharkdog's (Lilodon's) ancestor :D
  8. BelikrDscale

    BelikrDscale Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I know this is a bit of a stretch but what if you could revive some of the fossils? ridable raptors would be pretty fun, maybe even upgradeable armor sets that follow the tiers as well?
    Astrih Konnash likes this.
  9. Garbacca

    Garbacca Void-Bound Voyager

    They said you could find alien fossils in the post.
  10. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Just goes to prove, noone ever reads the whole thing. Be it just the opening post or the rest of the thread.

  11. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    With the inclusion of fossil displays that you can put multiple pieces in, does this mean we will eventually get stands for displaying armor?
  12. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I don't know if CF will do it, but I've been considering it myself.
    Nate McCloud likes this.
  13. Hebephryo

    Hebephryo Phantasmal Quasar

    Looks really great indeed. Always wanted to be an archeologist. I just hope there will be a lot of skeletons.
  14. Biidi

    Biidi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Now, the most important question. Have you clocked it's speed?
  15. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    "We have a T-Rex."

    "We have a Hulk."
  16. Fluffyswift

    Fluffyswift Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Needs a "No touching" sign.
  17. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    His ancesto rcomes form another game, uuhhhm planet

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
    Astrih Konnash likes this.
  18. Phantaeon

    Phantaeon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's quite the theory. It must've gone through a lot of changes evolution-wise.
  19. D. Wallace

    D. Wallace Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Uh... why doesn't that T. rex skull have eye sockets? It has fenestrae and nostrils, but no eyes.
  20. Enok

    Enok Void-Bound Voyager

    amazing work i just got back into this game. Im wondering though why does molly make all the posts?

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