Dev Blog 28th June - Lumbering Lodgings

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Probably because to turn scanning mode on, you gotta unequip your hands... and some people need to actually fight in dark places, so a 1H weapon + Flashlight would still have uses.
  2. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    Basically my thought. It is nice we can craft them ourselves now though.
    Also trying out the nightly with a new character, it looks like the "scan mode" isn't a "available by default" anymore now. At the start of the game, activating scan mode just pop a small looking glass in your hands and you need to be close enough(still some distance) from the item to examine it.

    Which give me the feeling that the Matter Manipulator-mounted scanner will be unlocked at the new "examine stuff in the outpost" quest that is meant to be a tutorial for the exploration quests actually used to unlock new story mission. It'll be interesting I feel.

    Still need to get there (again) to confirm if that is where it is unlocked.
  3. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    That, or it is unlocked by Modules in the same way the Liquid collection tool is.
  4. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    Possibly but I've yet to see the setting. Afaik the unlocks for "features" are still liquid/paint/wiring.
  5. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Surprises me, because CF seemingly has a thing about requiring ridonkulous amounts of MM Modules, so I'm surprised they didn't take the opportunity to require a thousand more to get anywhere.

    I mean seriously, in a whole playthrough of Nightly, I didn't get enough Modules to unlock even half of the stuff, and I did what again, 14 hours of play? I might have rushed it a little, but sheesh. Not even half of all the unlocks.
  6. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    i see a plant dragon hidden in the hotel ruins did i win something? :p
    what i saw.png
    no wait its a dragon with a arm, now where have i seen that before again?

    anyway thats a nice ruin i like that ruin.

    and that wooden pirate chest in the ship is awesome looking.
    also like that you added the highlight as a option
    flor..i mean poptop gives you claw thingy up for this *Thumb up* :up:
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  7. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    You have a pretty good eye for things like this...
    Type1Ninja and General Nuclear like this.
  8. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    my optician says i have the impossible sight, my one eye is near sighted and my ohter eye is far sighted if i close one of my eyes i get either near sighted or far sighted

    and now over to something completely different
    when are the ohter colored poptops coming? also you guys forgot the spot on there back
    not asking you by the way
    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  9. emeraldgreen72

    emeraldgreen72 Phantasmal Quasar

    i wanna see more stuff around hover vehicles
  10. SpikeX

    SpikeX Subatomic Cosmonaut

    On my Nightly S.A.I.L. keeps snorring and I can not advance any further :/
  11. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    You're not really supposed to play nightly legitimately. Though the nightly fix mod will allow you to pretty much play the game as it may turn out for 1.0. Just go ahead and install it.
    SpikeX and DragonsForce like this.
  12. Spiderslay3r

    Spiderslay3r Star Wrangler

    Maybe so, but it's kind of ridiculous that we've waited weeks for a solution to the controversy to no avail.
  13. Nujuju299

    Nujuju299 Big Damn Hero

    I like where you went with the new highlighting system thing, but can you make it an option to be "Blunt and obvious, classic, and no highlight?" The new highlight takes away the original image from the whole scene, if you're constantly hovering over the interactive that is, and I like the old highlight.
  14. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Has it really been weeks already? As in, more than seven days?

    "Dog friends!" posted the 16th... holy shit :nurugasp:
    Jareix Cryvix and Sh4dowWalker96 like this.
  15. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Yeah, they're sure taking their time in responding to our concerns. I understand it takes time to debate internally and brainstorm some ideas, but eh. A little feedback would be nice.

    The UI, especially the hotbar of all things, is very bloody important to many players. With 60% of the people who voted on the poll saying they either hated it or think it needs tweaks... I think the devs should really look into getting some kind of actual, tangible response out here on the forums (and NOT reddit or twitter).

    Some kind of "We read what you said, and this is what we're leaning towards..." type deal. It'd surely make a lot of people feel better.

    EDIT: My apologies for off-topicness, just saw that little blurb and felt the need to say something in response.
    Sh4dowWalker96 likes this.
  16. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Time flies when you're having schadenfreude.
  17. Bounded

    Bounded Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm tired of checking too. They said "it's getting close" in that 3-month old post :/
  18. Ev1l0rd

    Ev1l0rd Phantasmal Quasar

    IMO The only thing that I want to see changed about the hotbar is that blocks/furniture should not take up two-handed spaces.
  19. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Even though technically they always have been two-handed...
  20. Ev1l0rd

    Ev1l0rd Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm aware, but at the moment, building is really a pain due to the fact that we only have six avaiable slots for blocks/furniture.

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