Dev Blog 28th June - Lumbering Lodgings

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. Ev1l0rd

    Ev1l0rd Phantasmal Quasar

    I like the new nightly scanner. Causes less lag than the overlay scanner did. Just one question: at the moment the scanner functions as a flashlight as well as an object scanner with roughly the same amount of light being produced from both items. Is that going to be changed or will the scanner eventually replace the flashlight?
  2. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    I think the flashlight is going to remain as an additional item.
    After all the scanning mode still requires both hands to use.... on the other hand a flashlight can be used in one hand with a sword or pistol in the other. Adding a flashlight to the EPP just means that you never have to worry about bringing yours up just because you want to scan things.

    Personally I approve of the change. It's a bit of usefulness(automatically getting appreciable level of light when scanning for such) whereas the modification from the old EPP means you actively have to search for items rather than just bringing the overlay up and scanning everything(and like said, it's MUCH less resource intensive than the old overlay).

    In a way, wielding my Matter Manipulator in scan mode in the darkness and waving the light of the scanner around feels perhaps even more immersive than the global overlay. It gives that feeling of truly being that science officer with their tools bravely fending off the darkness no matter what might lies within.
  3. Chloron

    Chloron Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The steam multiplayer friend list connection thing made me and my friend hyped! :) TO 1.0 AND BEYOND!
    Ludovic likes this.
  4. TheCreeperCyborg

    TheCreeperCyborg Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    doe that mean finally be able to move the infamous ship chair and teleporter?
  5. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    The hotel somewhat reminds me of the asylum from Psychonauts.

    Reminds me a bit more of the active demolishing site near where I live. I believe they're condos or something? Whatever the case is, they're crumbling.
  6. SkiRpieE

    SkiRpieE Void-Bound Voyager

    Is it possible to create a panel for rearranging rooms of our ships? Meaning we can place our rooms wherever we want it to be, of cource with slight limitation to maintain its rightful beauty. And of cource with some requirements maybe, like using core fragments?
    Sh4dowWalker96 likes this.
  7. UnCui

    UnCui Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Having the option to control the highlight is a great addition! I enjoy going around dark dungeons with my flashlight, trying to figure out what is what, but the highlight would always be there.

    Also, are there any plans for space battles in a future update? I was thinking the player would get into space ship battles while traveling from system to system, sorta like in dragon age origins, there is a chance you'd get ambushed while traveling, or you could also have space battles marked on your star map like a destination.
  8. Gnardak

    Gnardak Void-Bound Voyager

    What I'd quite like is a furniture removals NPC. When I upgrade my ship I quite often want to move stuff that has been packed into one room into a new room to make better use of the space but moving every item individually is a pain especially when the stuff you want to move is a bunch of chests full of stuff that you have to move individually. Often I just live out of one room on the ship, because it's a hassle to redistribute furniture every time, thinking that I'll do it once it's completely upgraded so I don't have to do it over again but at that point the task of redistributing is just way too daunting.

    So I end up just living with having a really cramped living space and the rest of the ship empty.
  9. JackedYourPizza

    JackedYourPizza Void-Bound Voyager

    You know, there are teleports and flags. You can even leave your ship unupgraded and build your very own base anywhere you want it to be. And store there all the things you want without moving them anywhere. Easy. Like, really THIS is not a problem. We already have much more welcoming game, that it was before.
  10. Kane_HUN

    Kane_HUN Aquatic Astronaut

    Or an other solution could be a furniture -moving tool, which could be accessed through a panel on your ship?
  11. Gnardak

    Gnardak Void-Bound Voyager

    The same problem exists with planetary bases. You can't move chests around so remodelling when you expand is a massive hassle. A planetary base just gives you more freedom to build and the tedium of having to wait at loading screens when you want to move your ship around.

    Yes. This would also be good.

    I just like the idea of seeing a minion running around doing it for me rather than it just technomagically happening.
  12. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    As long as it's not a minion minion. Perhaps a penguin...
  13. Azidoazide Azide

    Azidoazide Azide Void-Bound Voyager

    Penguin Moving Crew, you pay them some doubloons and they reorganize your stuff or help you set up basic bases on planets if you're lazy and have the money. You give them a stack of building material of your choice and they make a small penguin fort.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  14. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    One thing I would love to see at the Outpost is some kind of Builder NPC that accepts payments in materials and pixels. You go to this NPC and they got several "pre-fab" configurations and you give them a number of materials and pixels and they will build a structure for you and they'll have structures there you can look at or something.

    Perhaps something like this:

    Wood-Based Wall Receipt: 500x Timber
    Wood-Based Frame Receipt: 100x Timber
    Stone-Based Wall Receipt: 500x Cobblestone
    Stone-Based Frame Receipt: 100x Cobblestone
    Furniture Receipt: 5,000 pixels

    etc etc.

    And let's say you want to build, I don't know, an Apex house (like the kind you see in their villages). Let's say, a small one:

    1x Stone-Based Frame Receipt (because the foreground walls are made of brick)
    1x Wood-Based Wall Receipt (because the background walls appear to be made of wood)
    1x Furniture Receipt
    5,000 pixels (for building fees)

    And once you accept this, you're given a placeable item. You take this item (which cannot be used on your ship) to any planet, and you place this item on any solid surface anywhere you want. When you purchased the house, there'd be a little signpost in front of the house which corresponds to the item you place (so you'll know exactly where the house will be in relation to where you placed the builder object).

    When you do, 2-3 NPCs spawn in, and they will...

    1). Remove blocks that are currently there in the way.
    2). Lay down some blocks where needed for ground.
    3). Build the house that you purchased.

    And said NPCs would be invincible and immune to mob attacks and/or perhaps the game would temporarily stop enemy spawning until they were done building or something.
  15. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    That's actually pretty much what Felin Crafters do, in my mod's lore.
    Azidoazide Azide likes this.
  16. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Now you just need to make it happen in your mod, lol.


    Though there ARE mods that can do similar things, I know the garden bots can build wood platforms, I don't see why a mod couldn't be made that has an NPC building a whole house.
    Azidoazide Azide likes this.
  17. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    I did wonder what a "prefab design station" mod or feature would be like.

    Like you go to this huge station somewhere, and it brings up some kind of tiled screen of various or fixed size. And then.... you just put in blocks to build the houses/room/construction you want within the constraint of the prefab design screen.

    Once done, you press "save" and the prefab is saved(so you can produces it later at the appropriate material costs) in the design as it produces a "prefab construction capsule" that allows you to place the entire prefab construction wherever you want(probably by bringing up an hologram of the prefab construction, pojected by your matter manipulator until you decide on an emplacement).

    .... and now I wonder if I just didn't lay out the Starbound equivalent to Capsule Corpses house-in-a-capsule <.<;
  18. Azidoazide Azide

    Azidoazide Azide Void-Bound Voyager

    If the devs could implement a version of this mod combined with the Penguin Moving Crew idea.
    ( )
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
  19. Zerukoba

    Zerukoba Pangalactic Porcupine

    Too many people to quote but I like the current discussion that is going on.

    It might just be me but I don't play Starbound to build though it is a nice bonus (more so with 1.0 when it give something beside seeds and crap items as payment in return) so I love the idea of having something else build for me. Like in my case it isn't out of laziness, I just love it on other games when you upgrade something and your house or whatever go from being poor looking to a mansion and such. Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Time Stalkers (if you play that game and like it then you are automatically my bud for life) and hell even Starbound ship upgrades though it is a lot more empty which also leave behind an empty feeling. More space and a few more lights is kinda underwhelming compare to getting access to a basement or more furniture options/features on other games. It just lack that "wow moment" where on some games you go from wooden floor with a few floorboards missing to fancy carpet and marble walls. I guess I just love that feeling of cosmetic progress where if I were to build it myself it just -200 stone or whatever to me. Having a penguin or whatever to choose what furniture would best fit my room on the ship and maybe even choose the door and background walls as well then allowing me to change it as I see fit would make that room feel so much more worth it than compare to it just being unused space.
  20. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    Just looked at the 'daily assets changes" archive helt by a player and flashlights have become a new craftable from the foraging/agricultural benches if I recall well what I read.

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