Dev Blog 25th April – Information Stations

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Supernorn, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Also, 4000 sectors? I thought a sector was a slice of a circle, not a definite unit of measurement...
  2. Samuel's Lab

    Samuel's Lab Void-Bound Voyager

    I can't play nightly (sad face)
    why's that?
    (I can't launch it as soon as it opens it closes (I've tried re-installing it))
  3. DizaumBR

    DizaumBR Space Hobo

    Concerning the UI, I would like my windows (like the inventory) to remember the last position I placed them. My character is always at the center of the screen and I place my inventory in the left. But when I open a chest, my inventory goes to the center and hides my character. This is really annoying.
    Always remember the window last position would be a very welcome improvement to the UI.
  4. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    So, is a "click" a minute in real-time then?
  5. Blinkraven

    Blinkraven Void-Bound Voyager

    that problem had on all nightly players, bcs pne .pac file cannot normally downloaded since 6 days already. and no comments from devs :nurumad:...
  6. floranhungry

    floranhungry Void-Bound Voyager

    They must not know how to fix the nightly, because it seems like they're making a concentrated effort to avoid discussing it...
  7. Merkk

    Merkk Void-Bound Voyager

    The wait is murdering me.
  8. DukeOfRiven

    DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

    Sector -> section -> division, region, area - an etymology that dates back to 1920, and a century of common use.

    You smug pedantic raptor.
  9. Phaetum

    Phaetum Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    :nuruflirt: This is such an exciting update!! If this is a preview of the quality of the updates that have been taking place I can't wait to play the released version ^^

    I'm especially fond of the planet information changes, I even thought of two little suggestions that might make people happy.

    Maybe there could be a place in the planet UI where you have a 'checkbox' or something of that nature which basically indicates whatever you want it to. For instance I would personally put a checkmark on planets that I've mined past usefulness, or that I have completed all the dungeons on. That way if your out there scouting for resources in nearby solar systems you don't accidentally return to a planet that's been mined past usefulness. I do the same thing now by naming bookmarks for this purpose. Someone else might want to indicate planets they find interesting or have yet to explore. Just something not interesting enough to merit a bookmark, but enough that you want to indicate something about the planet.

    The second and even more interesting idea is to add an additional text panel to indicate if there's some kind of big city or something, using lifeform scanners or even information gained through some sort of 'network' that other explorers use. Could say something like 'The planet below is heavily populated' or 'Detecting high number of life forms' which could mean anything but might mean there's a city.

    Anyway whether or not those are there it's all awesome and I will be so happy :) thanks for the update I'm holding my breath in anticipation!!!
    Johnnyloo likes this.
  10. Not sure how I feel about clicks as a unit of time for the UI. But I don't pay much attention to day cycle anyways.

    I still feel like the Navigation and Planet UI could look a bit prettier -- but I'm so happy that tooltips look to be a thing now. Readability is very important, and tool tips help that.

    It's lookin really good so far!
    Cen Silver likes this.
  11. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    My potentially ignorant point still stands. It still defines it as "4000 planetary divisions/areas" Which gives me no clue as to the scale of the unit or how to calculate it. Is it like chunks? Or a predeterimined amount of blocks? If so, how many?
  12. Drakaden

    Drakaden Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well with all that crew system in, ship boarding is totally a thing now.
  13. Dewmann

    Dewmann Intergalactic Tourist

    Temperature´s returns???? :nuruhype::nuruhype::nuruhype: hype overload

    pd: Scan data have to investigate on the planet yourself Please! :3
  14. Osucarus

    Osucarus Astral Cartographer

    It will be nice if you could scan the monsters too
  15. SomaSam

    SomaSam Big Damn Hero

    Are we going to be able to re-size the windows in game like I can with my internet browser on my computer? Ie, click the corner and drag it to be bigger or smaller? Or at the very least be able to change their sizes between a few presets, without changing the other UI elements?

    I have a large monitor, and while most of the game UI fits perfectly fine as is; I find all the mini-windows to be poorly designed from a practicality stand point. Specifically the crafting UI and the 3D printing UI. I feel they are both very cramped and don't show nearly as many objects as there could be at once. I have to scroll a lot to be able to find anything when crafting. If there is no changing the window itself, could there at least be an option like in Terraria, where it bumps out the list into a large grid, that way we are able to see a lot more crafting options and select what we actually want to with ease?
  16. asus349

    asus349 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    when will this be out?
  17. Cnor

    Cnor Orbital Explorer

    I feel like it's a little bit too cheap to have this Geolocator. It's like if you're on your quest to find, say, gold, and you keep skipping planets and missing cool content because this particular place doesn't have gold. Otherwise you'll have to swoop down to the planet and explore it, which is more fun :nuruawe:
  18. Iaeyan Elyuex

    Iaeyan Elyuex Cosmic Narwhal

    It's gonna be real tough getting by without my Targeted Blink. I will definitely have to kiss my Portal Lab No Damage Streak goodbye. Also, can the Spike Sphere cling to anything? Is it like the Wall II upgrade from Blaster Master?
  19. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    Out of curiosity, but I was wondering: Can we(or will we be able to later) actually decide the type of gear used by crew characters or is that entirely dependent on the type of NPCs they are/were originally and is it something that can be improved seeing the mention of "rank" in the crew management panel?
    PabloM likes this.
  20. Legomasterizer

    Legomasterizer Orbital Explorer

    Why is it that I'm not getting any of these updates? I haven't received any of them at all. Ever.

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