They mighta changed that or maybe that was another game. I remember reading that one had to go into properties and go to that opt-in screen and they had to type something but you'd only know what that something is, if you visited the forums and got the said something there (or if someone told you). Ah well might have been a different game. I never did Nightly, I'm not the kind of gamer who would like constant crashing and gamebreaking bugs lol. Hats off to the people who do that kinda stuff to test things out, but eh. I'd only do something like that if I were actually an official tester.
Actually there are very few bugs to be found. Mostly it's just free previews of content before it hits stable, and sometimes before the devblog even mentions it. (Oh, and sometimes you use admin mode to spawn in an item that isn't finished and your client crashes.) The real problem people never mention is that your characters get wiped a lot.
A lot? You and I must have different ideas on what "a lot" is. They do have version upgrade scripts for that sort of thing.
It is called background walls, but thinks look ugly if you use them to stop mob spawns. So i’m thinking about a force field or a push/gravitation field that only affects creatures with evil intents. Maybe you are thinking of Unturned? I remember that you had to use the code "OPERATIONMAPLELEAF” there.
Or better said: someone failed to explain that "joke" to me and just made a claim afterwards instead. Better try next time.
Those detectors are GREAT. All we need now is maps! To be precise, I'd like two kinds of maps: * One accessed with a button on the side toolbar, that shows the current area: Planet, ship, mission, outpost, etc. This one can be shown as an opaque overlay, a translucent overlay or as a minimap on the corner of the screen. * One used from the ship on the ship's navigation console, as an extra zoom in from the planet view, that allows players view planets, zoom in and out the map, and teleport to any previously discovered point on the surface and any teleporter on any planet on their list of bookmarked planets that they have previously visited (or visited by anyone on multiplayer servers). Teleporters should also have an on/off setting, allowing players to place or randomly find Teleporters in worlds, and activate them so others can reach those spots without having to walk all the way there. Or disable them once inside to keep a room 'private' and unreachable. Both with two fogs of war: * A pitch black one for all areas not discovered by your character. * In multi-player, a temporary grayed one for areas seen by any allied character, but not yours. The detectors would then also update the minimap, recording the caves and materials discovered as grayed areas until the character reaches them.
Ummm... No, I'm sure it's not, really. You can actvate it really easily. You go in properties, Betas and its there, there is non need for any code.
I guess that wouldn't be legit. But if you built a flag there (or anything that is craftable/buyable), yeah why not
Will we be getting more then Fluffalo for livestock? I've been wanting some type of aquatic livestock like crabs and lobester, I really enjoy crab cakes so it would be awesome to be able to raise a supply of my own crabs in Starbound for making them and other foods that use crab meat in it.