Dev Blog 18 October - 1.3.3 Hotfix

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. josef dark

    josef dark Void-Bound Voyager

    yo tambien tengo una buena idea. caza de mercenarios. tipo anti mutantes .. zombis .. y esas cosas una especie de virus ... y pandemia ... que va poco a poco ... va matando todo el planeta ... y tenemos que crear un antivirus ... desarollar laboratorios .. y crear y gestionar .. un ejercito anti .. zombis .. y ayan alertas segun van pasando las horas o dias reales en el juego .. y ayan eventos de brotes viricos. para poder salvar un planeta. de la pandemia zombi .. y ordas. poner vallas electricas. torretas. bunkeres. tanques. elicopteros. combustible. todo lo que haga funcionará una base .. y el personal .. y creará centros de cuarentena. para poder desinfectar a los avíantes .. y que el virus pueda abordar en tu nave .. o la de quien sea .. y ayan misiones para poder salvar contra los zombis. misiones segundarias. de tiempo ... antes de la masacre. y si visitamos un planeta cero ... infectado. solo ayan zombis. si se fracaso en la mision .. todo el planeta muera. y solo aya mutantes. hasta poder limpiarlo completa mente .. de nuevo. o destruirlo con una bomba destruye planetas ... para que no ayan riesgos .. de infecion .. ese cuadrante cósmico. o anillo en el universo ... a los que esos planetas se llaman zona 0 ... la zona muerta. lleno de zombis. y mutantes. radiacion .. y lluvia acida. aves zombis. peces zombis. todo muerto ... pero eso solo cuando el planeta aya muerto ... al no complerar la mision .. y al cabo de una hora o dias de el juego ... el planeta se infecte .. por completo ... pero si llegaste a tiempo a Salvar a la gente. Puedes quedarte ... para que te ayudes y te ayudes ... antes de que el brote ... balla a más ... haria falta escaneres virales. y alertas. en la nave de que fue infectada. o un planeta esta siendo atacado o infectado por las ordas y zombis. y mutantes. eso seria mi recomendacion. a poner en el juego. una nuevas caresteristicas. de supervivencia. contra zombies .. ya que el juego .. en si ... es de contruir .. y edificar .. y crear intalaciones .. y muchas cosas mas .. lo cual es esto pega de anilo al dedo .. esta es mi recomendacion. . poder crear bases contra zombis .. misiones anti zombis .. y mutantes .. y muy gore .. que se vea como te comen .. y despues pierdes tu personaje ... empiezas en la nave. con otro igual. pero el anterior es un zombi con todas tus cosas. y para recuperarlo todo. aya que matarlo muchos mod o juegos. tienen esa mecanica. eso haria una gran expansion. en el juego por lo que a mi respe. eso haria que el juego no tenga competidor. con este contenido ... ahora que si otros len este mensaje. otra compañia. y lo implementan antes. otros que seria un duro golpe ... pero si fuera el creador de este juego ... pondria lo que e dicho. la gente le gusta todo. eso de día z .. en el juego. hay una especie de zombis ... pero no se trata de suficiente. para darle un toque serio .. y una aventura real .. inmensiva .. falsamente zombis .. y mutantes .. y bases ... contaminadas ... en los planetas zona 0 ..trajes .. armas ... y servo armaduras .. tipo Fallout o algo similar .. para poder sobrevivir a los peligros del yermo ... ambiente radiactivo ... veneno ... agua contaminada ... aire contaminado ... incluso el propio virus zombi ... poner servo armaduras ... con animaciones cuando entras en ellas al extilo fallout 4 .. o cuando entras en el meth ... casi lo mismo ... hay meht y no hay servo armaduras. eso es algo muy malo .. da mala inmersión .. y hace falta un poco de aire fresco al juego ... algo nuevo ... no solo crear una granja ... y un campo de tiro ... cada jugador es un mundo ... aparte ... y este juego ... ya lo dice el nombre .. universo .. lo cual el gusto de cada uno ... y su mecánica de juego al juego ... su propia aventura. es un juego muy divertido .. comparados con otros que intentan recrear lo que es este. eso es imposible ... es juego tiene de todo. muchas mecanicas. es imposible superarlo. pero le hace falta ... algo más velico ... guerra ... pandemia ... zombis ... por que cada planeta ... que vamos ... solo hay unos bichitos ... y hacer falta mouses de verdad ... y armas de verdad ... todo el recurso para poder vencer la plaga y la pandemia ... que cada uno puede ayudar a otros jugadores. contra la invasion zombi .. es como un desafio .. mas bien .. un toque mas adulto .. haria el juego mas adulto ..

    english translation:

    I also have a good idea. mercenary hunting. type anti mutants .. zombies .. and those things a kind of virus ... and pandemic ... that goes little by little ... is killing the entire planet ... and we have to create an antivirus ... develop laboratories .. and create and manage .. an army anti .. zombies .. and ayan alerts as the hours or days are real happening in the game .. and ayan virus outbreak events. to be able to save a planet. of the zombie pandemic ... and ordas. put electric fences. turrets bunkeres. Tanks elicopteros. gas. everything you do will work a base .. and the staff .. and create quarantine centers. to be able to disinfect the aviantes ... and that the virus can approach in your ship ... or whoever it is .. and they go on missions to be able to save against the zombies. secondary missions. of time ... before the massacre. and if we visit a planet zero ... infected. just ayan zombies. If you fail in the mission ... the whole planet dies. and only aya mutants. until you can clean it completely ... again. or destroying it with a bomb destroys planets ... so that there are no risks ... of infection ... that cosmic quadrant. or ring in the universe ... to which those planets are called zone 0 ... the dead zone. full of zombies. and mutants. radiation .. and acid rain. zombie birds. zombie fish. all dead ... but only when the planet is dead ... by not completing the mission ... and after an hour or days of the game ... the planet will be infected ... completely ... but if You arrived on time to save the people. You can stay ... so you can help and help ... before the outbreak ... balla more ... would need viral scans. and alerts. in the ship she was infected with. or a planet is being attacked or infected by the ordas and zombies. and mutants. that would be my recommendation. to put in the game. a new caresteristicas. of survival. against zombies .. since the game .. in itself ... is to build .. and build .. and create facilities .. and many more things .. which is this anhure stick to the finger .. this is my recommendation . . to be able to create bases against zombies .. anti zombie missions .. and mutants .. and very gore .. that look like they eat you .. and then you lose your character ... you start on the ship. with another equal. but the previous one is a zombie with all your stuff. and to recover everything. Aya that kill it many mod or games. They have that mechanics. that would make a great expansion. in the game so to my respect. that would make the game have no competitor. with this content ... now that if others len this message. another company. and they implement it before. others it would be a hard blow ... but if I were the creator of this game ... I would put what I said. People like everything. that day z .. in the game. there is a kind of zombies ... but it is not enough. to give it a serious touch .. and a real adventure .. immensely .. falsely zombies .. and mutants .. and bases ... contaminated ... in the planets zone 0 ... clothes .. weapons ... and servo armor .. Fallout type or something similar ... to be able to survive the dangers of the wilderness ... radioactive environment ... poison ... polluted water ... polluted air ... even the zombie virus itself ... put servo armor ... with animations when you enter them when you fallout 4 ... or when you enter the meth ... almost the same ... there are meht and there are no servo armor. that's a very bad thing .. it gives bad immersion .. and it takes a bit of fresh air to the game ... something new ... not only create a farm ... and a shooting range ... each player is a world ... apart ... and this game ... it already says the name .. universe .. which the taste of each one ... and its game mechanics to the game ... its own adventure. It is a very funny game .. compared with others who try to recreate what is this. that's impossible ... it's a game has everything. many mechanics. It is impossible to overcome it. but he needs ... something more velic ... war ... pandemic ... zombies ... why every planet ... we go ... there are only a few bugs ... and you need real mouses ... and real weapons ... the whole resource to be able to overcome the plague and the pandemic ... that each one can help other players. against the zombie invasion .. it's like a challenge .. rather ... a touch more adult .. would make the game more adult ..
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2018
  2. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Please put an english translation to your posts. A google translate translation is sufficient. I've added a translation to your posts but make sure to do it by yourself in the future. :nuruhappy:
  3. davoker

    davoker Cosmic Narwhal

    I do not think that it can be called "Spanish language" either to that strange and giant paragraph that has been written by the user above xD

    I am Spanish and I can barely understand what it says (I'm sorry for the offtopic).
    The Squid and Kawa like this.
  4. josef dark

    josef dark Void-Bound Voyager

    [QUOTE = "davoker, post: 3261047, member: 795409"] No creo que pueda llamarse "idioma español" ni a ese párrafo extraño y gigante que ha escrito el usuario de arriba xD

    Soy español y apenas puedo entender lo que dice (lo siento por el offtopic). [/ QUOTE]
    Es un texto gigante Porque son buenas ideas. El juego ... y buena mecánica. El juego. Y si es español ... ya que en España. También tenemos ideas claras. En el momento de una buena modificación ... O una nueva mecánica para el juego ... No todo es el extranjero. Larga vida al internacionalismo. Ya que esta es una sociedad democrática. Y no importa la bandera. Ningún país. Sin origen Sin color.

    [QUOTE = "davoker, post: 3261047, member: 795409"] I do not think it can be called "Spanish language" or that strange and giant paragraph that the above user has written xD

    I am Spanish and I can barely understand what it says (sorry for the offtopic). [/ QUOTE]
    It is a giant text Because they are good ideas. The game ... and good mechanics. The game. And if it's Spanish ... because in Spain. We also have clear ideas. At the time of a good modification ... Or a new mechanics for the game ... Not everything is foreign. Long live internationalism. Since this is a democratic society. And the flag does not matter. No country. No origin No color.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2018
  5. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    I told you earlier to provide an english translation so please do it in the future. :nurushock:
  6. HachiYakumo

    HachiYakumo Phantasmal Quasar

    How could it end talking about politics? Stick to the topic please.
    Anyway. Most of your ideas would make the game loose it's identity. Starbound is about travelling through space and exploring new planets. If you want to fight alien zombies, play Dead Space. Don't transform Starbound to (as you said) Fallout. Although I see your point that every planet you step on is surely the same as the one before but with different texture. But work on that would be massive investment of time for a poor resut.

    With that said. As an spanish, seeing how proud you are of having your mother language that you're not capable of using english so everybody can understand you. At least use it well. Use comas and an appropriate Grammar. Please.

    I appologise now for my english grammar.
  7. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    I dunno, take a look at FrackinUniverse. It does a rather good job at adding more planetary diversity, so that different types of planets feel more different, and you need different equipment to tackle each.

    But yeah, that's not the direction that Chucklefish wanted for the original Starbound. That's something that you should get a mod for.
    The Squid likes this.
  8. ma1uta

    ma1uta Aquatic Astronaut

    Hi all.

    Any news?
    Is starbound is alive?
  9. josef dark

    josef dark Void-Bound Voyager

    • User has been warned for this post. Reason: Ignoring moderator instructions
    [QUOTE = "HachiYakumo, post: 3261257, miembro: 194468"] ¿Cómo podría terminar hablando de política? Aténgase al tema por favor.
    De todas formas. La mayoría de tus ideas harán que el juego pierda su identidad. Starbound se trata de viajar por el espacio y explorar nuevos planetas. Si quieres luchar contra zombies alienígenas, juega Dead Space. No transforme Starbound en (como dijo) Fallout. Aunque veo tu punto de vista de que cada planeta que pisas es seguramente el mismo que el anterior pero con una textura diferente. Pero trabajar en eso sería una inversión masiva de tiempo para un resut pobre.

    Con eso dicho. Como español, viendo lo orgulloso que estás de tener tu lengua materna es que no eres capaz de usar el inglés para que todos puedan comprenderte. Al menos úsalo bien. Usa comas y una Gramática apropiada. Por favor.

    Ahora solicito mi gramática inglesa. [/ QUOTE]me dice usted a mi que eso cambiaria la mecanica de el juego. acaso esto no es una comunidad moder. donde ya dice el nombre cual es su comcepto. que es modificar la mecanica real de el juego. mucha gente a creado aqui mods.. de comcepto politico.. como referencia . los estados no generalizare. que mods son. ya que esas personas no me han dicho nada. al respecto. pero si yo soy etiquetado. categorizado como un mal pensador. que no es nada cuarente. mi idea. por que el resto de mods. de y contenido. nada que ver con el juego. y si yo escribo español. y no se entinde. que la gente se lo tradusca. como yo hago cuando veo sus comentarios en ingles.. por que puede que en esta pagina sea todo en ingles. pero eso es una falta de respeto. que un hombre.. o mujer.. de nacionalidad. española.. tenga que poner en ingles sus comentarios.. en cambio si los que escriben.. en ingles.. los extrageros no lo ponen en español. para que lo entendamos nosotros. y ya me se la historia. que la pagina es una comunidad moder. extragera. no señores. no se confundan. cuando es una comunidad moder. es una empresa comercial internacional se deben a toda la comunidad europea no nacional. y yo de politica se mucho. de vido que estoy metida en ella.. cuando toda la comunidad europea. compra el juego. sea de cualquier raza o pais. debe aber un margen de respeto.. y no etiquetar los ideales de otras personas. no le gusta a la gente mi idea. como podia aber sido de otro.. pues es algo respetable. vivimos en una democracia. pero no estoy obligado a escribir en ingles. ni mucho menos. al igual que ellos no estan obligados a escribir en español.. aqui todos somos moros y cristianos.. y si mi idea es tan mala y solo el juego se centra en viajes al espacio. por que la gente dice que pongan la mecanica de casarse. algo muy respetable. me parece bien. y eso no tiene que ver nada con el juego. y esos viajes sin envargo. no le han dicho nada.. a esa persona. es hay señores donde se ven los herrores.. y la poca tolerancia al resto.. que somos la comunidad interancional... es es todo señores no pienso debatir mas sobre este tema.. pero solo digo que todos somos iguales y en ningun momento. yo e desprestigiado al juego. me en canta este juego. solo digo que le hace falta lo que dije. al igual que a salido la d.l.c de los meth...

    [QUOTE = "HachiYakumo, post: 3261257, member: 194468"] How could I end up talking about politics? Stick to the subject please.
    Anyway. Most of your ideas will make the game lose its identity. Starbound is about traveling through space and exploring new planets. If you want to fight against alien zombies, play Dead Space. Do not transform Starbound into (as he said) Fallout. Although I see your view that each planet you step on is surely the same as the previous one but with a different texture. But working on that would be a massive investment of time for a poor resut.

    With that said. As a Spanish, seeing how proud you are of having your mother tongue is that you are not able to use English so that everyone can understand you. At least use it well. Use commas and an appropriate grammar. Please.

    Now I request my English grammar. [/ QUOTE] you tell me that that would change the mechanics of the game. perhaps this is not a moder community. where the name already says what is your concept. which is to modify the real mechanics of the game. many people have created here mods .. of political agreement .. as a reference. The states will not generalize. what mods are since those people have not told me anything. about. but if I am labeled. categorized as a bad thinker. that is nothing quarantine. my idea. why the rest of mods. of and content. nothing to do with the game. and if I write Spanish. and do not get involved. that people do it. as I do when I see your comments in English .. why may this page be all in English. but that is a lack of respect. that a man ... or woman ... of nationality. Spanish .. have to put your comments in English .. however, if those who write .. in English .. the extragers do not put it in Spanish. so that we understand it. and I know the story. that the page is a modern community. extragera No, gentlemen. Do not confuse. when it is a moder community. It is an international business enterprise and is due to the entire non-national European community. and I am very politic. de vido I'm stuck in it .. when the whole European community. buy the game Be of any race or country. must open a margin of respect ... and not label the ideals of other people. People do not like my idea. how could it have been from another ... because it is something respectable. we live in a democracy. but I'm not obligated to write in English. not much less. just as they are not obliged to write in Spanish ... here we are all Moors and Christians ... and if my idea is so bad and only the game focuses on trips to space. because people say they put the mechanics of getting married. something very respectable. seem right. and that has nothing to do with the game. and those trips without envargo. They have not said anything to that person. is there are gentlemen where you see the fright .. and little tolerance to the rest .. that we are the interancional community ... is all gentlemen I do not think about debating more on this subject .. but I only say that we are all equal and in no time . I'm discredited to the game. I love this game. I'm just saying that he needs what I said. as well as the d.l.c of the meth ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2018
  10. HachiYakumo

    HachiYakumo Phantasmal Quasar

    Spanish (Para que Josef lo entienda bien):

    Respecto al juego. Si las mecánicas de juego són X, los desarrolladores pueden añadir o modificar algunas de ellas a petición de la comunidad, pero sin desviarse de la línea original. Tus propuestas cambian la jugabilidad al completo. Y fuera de lo que cambiaría el juego hacer eso. Sería tal la inversión de tiempo para el resultado que daría que no vale la pena. Para eso hay mods.
    Este foro no és una comunidad modder. Este tema, al menos, és para que los jugadores hablemos de las actualizaciones y novedades del juego. Así que, como dije: Si quieres zombies espaciales y tal. Ve a jugar a Dead Space.

    Respecto al idioma. No és una página internacional, és una página inglesa, por lo que és normal que se escriba en ella en inglés como lengua común. Pero cuándo te piden que al menos pongas una versión del texto en inglés (ya que no te obligan a escribir en inglés) el hecho de que te niegues a hacerlo, SI que és una falta de respeto. Por mi parte, lo que te pedí, era que al menos escribas correctamente el castellano. Más allá de un factor de educación, (ya que si tanto te empeñas en escribir en castellano, demuestra un buen uso del mismo, o al menos pasale el corrector de Google. Que esas líneas rojas que te salen en el texto son avisos de que está mal escrito) puede que entre los de la comudidad haya alguien que sepa un poco de español y trate de leerlo, pero si está tan mal escrito y con faltas tan garrafales, se van a liar aún más. Y no hablo de faltas de acentuación y otras minucias, sinó faltas imperdonables como la omisión completa de comas y una buena puntuación y joyas como Comcepto, Tradusca o cuarente (en serio, me están sangrando los ojos).

    Ya para finalizar que lo de la "politica" iba por tus apología al Internacionalismo y etc. Sigue siendo una página inglesa, y tiene la norma no escrita de que se escriba en inglés, incluso los moderadores te lo han pedido. Si aun asi no te apetece, la solución es no poestear y listo.

    Feliz día.


    English (for everyone else)

    About the game.
    If the game has X mechanics, the devs may add or change some of them acording to the comunity pleas, but without loosing it's original line. Your suggestions change the game's playstyle completely. And apart from how much would that change the game, it would be such an investment of time for the poor result (I said that on my older post) that it's not worth it.
    You've got mods for that purpouse.
    This forum is not a modder community. This topic, at least, is for players to discuss about the game updates and news. So, as I said: If you want space zombies, go play Dead Space.

    About the language. It's not an International site. It's an english one, so sound logic to write in english as common language. But when you're asked to put an english version (since you're not obblied to write in english) the fact that you refuse to do it is rude. As for me, what I asked you to do was, that at least write spanish correctly. Ignoring the fact of being polite (taking that you insist on writing in spanish, make a propper use of it or at leat use the Google translatetor. Because those red lines on your text mean that is not well written) In the community may be some people who know a bit of spanish and try to read it, but if it's all wrong and full of huge mistakes, they'll mess up. And I'm not talking about minor mistakes, I'm talking about unforgibable mistakes such the omission of comas, punctuation or golden crap like Comcepto, Tradusca or Cuarente (seriously, my eyes are bleeding).

    Finally, about "politics" that was for your apology of Internationalism and stuff. It's still an english site, and it has the inherent rule of writting in english, even the stuff asked you. If you don't want to, the solution is easy. Don't post.

    Have a nice day

    Now. Starbound is still alive I hope. Never lose hope :D

    (sorry for any mistake I may have made)
  11. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Guys, we've already said multiple times that all posts have to be in English or provide a translation. It is set in the rules you agreed to when registering an account on this site. It is not up for debate, and we have every obligation to issue a penalty if you refuse to comply. We simply need to be using English on the forums in order to even operate effectively.

    Now, please stick to the topic at hand, and include an English translation if you have to post in another language.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2018
    The Squid likes this.
  12. BatPetersAKAEnderzilla747

    BatPetersAKAEnderzilla747 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Maybe you should tell them in their own language in DMs.
  13. HachiYakumo

    HachiYakumo Phantasmal Quasar

    (Sorry for that u.u)

    Could be possible to make the ship's Ai, teleporter, fuel hatch and storage removable without the use of commands? Just so you can relocate them.
  14. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    I think they are resistant to that idea because they don't want players permanently breaking their ship by picking up the items and tossing them or something. Kinda like an "idiot-proof" system is to just not let the essential stuff be screwed with at all.

    Of course, you can always use a mod to disable the protections if you don't care about the risk(s).
    Taink and Kawa like this.

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