Dev Blog 10th May - Cool Space Wizards

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, May 10, 2016.

  1. Misquoth

    Misquoth Aquatic Astronaut

    Holy balls are you guys still prattling on about whether staves are okay because of magic or not? You'd be more productive with your time finding the last number of pi.
    Boshed, Ainzoal and Jareix Cryvix like this.
  2. Combozone

    Combozone Existential Complex

    This is a FORUM. For DISCUSSION. People are allowed to talk here, and the longevity of the post or topic does not matter.
    I hate being this kind of guy, but I have to.
    Please don't try to limit people from talking.
    DragonsForce and Mackinz like this.
  3. Godbot

    Godbot Big Damn Hero

    Oh, just for people who haven't tried it yet on the nightly:

    You are now able to move freely and jump while charging and casting. However, staffs are two-handed, so you can't attack. Charging takes 1-2 seconds for all staffs. (Edit: You are also slowed slightly while charging.)

    Common staffs are now randomly generated, as with guns. The staffs' primary abilities come in the standard elements: fire, ice, electric, and poison.

    Broadly, there seem to be five types of attacks:
    - A ring of projectiles that orbit around your cursor and explode on impact
    - One large projectile that closely follows your cursor
    - A controllable orb that bounces off of surfaces and leaves behind spikes
    - A controllable cloud that rains projectiles
    - A portal that fires a continuous volley of projectiles towards your cursor

    The secondary ability leaves an AoE, as is shown in the devblog. The AoEs we have so far seem to be: healing, energy regen, low gravity, an AoE that pushes from its center, an AoE that pulls towards its center, and an AoE that applies a slow effect (but does not slow falling).

    The pre-generated Ferozium staff has its own unique abilities: A ring of swords that fire towards your cursor after a brief delay, and a "force cage" that presumably traps its target inside.

    Secondary abilities cannot be activated while your primary ability is still being used, but primary abilities can be activated while your secondary is up. This means that you can, for instance, protect yourself with an AoE and begin casting your primary ability. Switching to a different weapon cancels the primary (and secondary?) effects of the staff.

    There do not seem to be any wands or wand abilities in the game yet, besides the pregenerated Ferozium wand, which spawns a ring of projectiles and fires them towards your cursor after a brief delay. All of the abilities listed are specifically listed as "staff" projectiles/abilities, so it seems that wands will have an original set of abilities, or at least weaker versions of the same thing.

    Edit: More here
    Last edited: May 16, 2016
  4. Iaeyan Elyuex

    Iaeyan Elyuex Cosmic Narwhal

    The Tiers 5 and 6 ingots are unobtainium. Maybe Cerulium and Rubium have some kind of reality-bending property. Holographic demons, invocations of equations, stuff like that.

    That being said, I'm going to build a massive, surreal-looking fortress out of Cerulium blocks, which I hope get added, along with the other ore blocks!
  5. Vuldreg

    Vuldreg Cosmic Narwhal

    there is the placeable ingots mod you could try, I haven't played with mods lately so not sure if it works with current or not.
  6. Tyler Tenebrae

    Tyler Tenebrae Pangalactic Porcupine

    There's no antenna inside the casing either. It is a miracle, I tell you!

    Well, actually the radio is short-circuited, so in a way, the casing is the antenna. And the actual antenna interferes with the recieved signal. Pure science, as always.
    DragonsForce likes this.
  7. riceeater1

    riceeater1 Void-Bound Voyager

    He is kinda right, magic and space don't mix well. Its just a underdeveloped idea, well in my opinion anyway. We all just different ideas on the way things "should" go in our fantasy game world.
  8. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    What magic? Where is the magic? There is no magic to be had. If you are seeing magic with these staves and wands, then the technology is simply beyond understanding. But as demonstrated, their technology can be explained and justifies just fine.
  9. riceeater1

    riceeater1 Void-Bound Voyager

    To you it does. We as humans are entitled to our own opinions, but the end result is this game is chucklefishes work of art so they do what the see fit. As a developer myself I can understand, personally I love all the ideas people throw out there realistic or not, it shows creativity.
  10. Ramones_fan

    Ramones_fan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Then how about i provide a simple tech explanation, they tap into a person's latent psychic abilities and yse that to create magic like effects. is that better?
    or another they are relics from ancient civilizations that appear to be magic and once you have developed your ship enough you may be able to make them.

    or even a third, they are relics from a race that a different type ot technology, mixing the elements solid,gaseous, liquid and plasma (or as the mystics used to call them,Earth Air ,Water and Fire, in various form to produce various effects, just like we do, look at an incandescent light bulb, we send Plasma(in the form known as electricity) through a solid filament to produce a different form of plasma (Light) to someone who didn't know about science, it would be magic.

    (P. S. if you don't like them, you don't need to use them. at least it's not spell books)
  11. Hyperiant

    Hyperiant Void-Bound Voyager

    No, no, no, no, no.

    The reason I play Starbound over Terraria is because Starbound is tech and Terraria is magic. Don't dilute the game and fragment your fanbase. I'm sick of the oversaturation of magic, and I dread seeing it dragged in pointlessly to a game that's been about science and technology from the start. Give it a scientific reason to be or scrap it entirely. I am sick, sick, sick of watered down, flavorless, effortless, tacked-on magic.
    jakecool19 likes this.
  12. Vuldreg

    Vuldreg Cosmic Narwhal

    Thing is science is magic along time ago it was all known as magic till people became aware of how the stuff worked then it eventually changed to be called science, So technically science is still magic just under a new name so you'd be wiping out all science related things in Starbound as well if you removed all magic.
  13. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    I think he means "Lol I can shoot fireballs from my bare hand" magic that at times crops up in games without explanation. Personally, I think as long as the devs explain it to a reasonable degree (like with nanomachines), it should be fine.
  14. Vuldreg

    Vuldreg Cosmic Narwhal

    true nanomachines could be a fine way to explain things also there is genetic mutation, I mean after all you got creatures spewing up all sorts of weird things eating them is bound to cause some sort of mutation after so many years of exposure to those strange genetics those creatures must have.
  15. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    To me it does what? I'm not the one with the problem of attributing "staves" exclusively with magic. Seriously, I've not seen anyone who is against them, dislike them for any other reason than because they are staves and wands by name alone. But hey, you accept spears with flamethrowers, hammers with elemental auras, and swords that can summon elemental pillars out of the ground. But a staff or wand, not a chance. Shun the demons and cast them back to the fantasy land from whence they came.

    Being entitled to an opinion doesn't negate you from criticism for that opinion.
  16. Karula

    Karula Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    More options are always good. Always using the same type of weapon will grow boring much faster.
    Magic may or may not fit in the game, but there has always been plenty in the Starbound universe that has to be stretched to have a scientific explanation. There are plenty of explanations for the case of the staves and wands though.

    There have already been several reasonable ones brought up, but still lots of complaints about even simpler aspects of them.
    If there is a problem with how much more common they would be if 'magic' were possible, then maybe their scarcity is due to the fact they are harder to control than a simple gun, or more like tools than weapons. It is probably simpler to hit someone with a bullet than a fireball.
    Or they could be rare due to requiring some form of genetic trait which allows them to form a neural connection with the user, so they can actually be used as more than a stick.
    Explaining the effect they cause is easy enough, if you take into account the current technological level though. Off the top of my head, the afore mentioned neural connection allowing the wielder to use a floating point targeting system to select a destination, then the staff releasing a cloud of nano-machines coating, or inside, the head to affect the chosen point.

    At the end of the day magic, staves and wands are just words describing something. It is up to you yourself if you actually choose to take the effects they cause as magic or just some unexplained science.
    There is no need for codex logs explaining the workings behind the construction and use of a gun or sword. While it might be interesting to have for the 'magical' side of things, if it is as much common knowledge that they exist in that universe as it is that the former do, there is no reason to force them in.
  17. Zerukoba

    Zerukoba Pangalactic Porcupine

    I am liking how upset people are getting over this. I might learn how to make mods and my first one would be replacing "magical" items with technology items. Staves will become guns and wands would become guns as well just one handed. Boom problem solve though imo boring as we already have a ton of guns. People don't complain how a flamethrower have unlimited fuel and don't burn you or even if a gun shoot black holes but if you are holding a stave and not a gun then suddenly the game is wrong?

    I think the anti-"magic" people are missing the point. While I love discussing and debating there is really no debating here, just arguing and people who want to nitpick things which is what mods are for. Staves are just like guns but with better control and instead of a trigger maybe a button to charge up with and release for the attack. There is really nothing different between a beam sword and staves as well. You can explain them both equally as well.

    If the fact it is a stave or wand automatically make it outright magic then I guess One Piece have a wizard now.

    (The attacks get better with time as the item is being upgraded, you may have to skip ahead for the better more "magical" attacks)

    Funny thing they explain it with science as it is use warm air and cold air to create the right conditions for electric attacks. The character herself states it is science when enemies asked if she was a magician.

    The only thing keeping staves and wands from being science and not magic are the exact people who hate the idea of magic being in the game in the first place. Sound counterproductive if you ask me.
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
  18. Combozone

    Combozone Existential Complex

    somebody doesn't like mario
  19. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Let's just say that if I hired a plumber, I wouldn't want him taking 'shrooms while on the job. But that's besides the point.
    DragonsForce, Relten and Kawa like this.
  20. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    What if he took the shrooms to actually be competent at his job?

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