Modding Discussion 1.0 Update, It's going to arrive sooner or later. So let's prepare for it!

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by C0bra5, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    So 1.0 is coming and i bet many of you have figured out how to update to the new version through the nightly updates, the thing is not everyone has either the time, knowledge and/or the experience with updating to a new version of the game like many of us did for the about 14 major stable updates since perturbed koala on December 4th, 2013.

    The fact is that 1.0 is apparently going to be huge, and in the past huge updates like the change from the merge to the patch system took a while to update properly since it also added a lot of new thing at the same time.

    So here I ask the question 2 questions I asked in past just like this one to help the community to update their fantastic works:
    1. what are the things that once you update to the new version of the game, kills a mod.
    2. What should we do to fix these problems to update our mods to the newest version of the game.

    I'll try to keep this thread updated with a summary of the problems and/or fixes as sometimes we find a problem but can't find a solution for it.

    Here is the list of now know changes in different categories:

    - Some of the values changed, i have yet to confirm whether it is just in stats or actual name/changes.

    Guns And weapons
    - We need to port them to the .activeitem model from the old .gun and .sword models

    - Number of layers reduced from 5 to 8 to only 3 layers per planet

    Player Ships
    - Block keys and Ship layout need to be updated for the ship crews.
    - blockey.config has changed slightly. brokenracefuelhatchTier0 & researchstation removed
    - The "ship_error1.ogg" sound file has been replaced by "clickon_error.ogg" sound file

    - The item tags "inventorstable" and "craftingstations" will now add the recipe to all crafting station and player crafting.
    - The item tag "spinningwheel" has been replaced by "craftingwheel"

    - The item tag "wiringstation" has been replaced by "craftingwiring"

    - Need to include T1 ship image in objects/protectorate/objects/protectorateship for protectorate mission.
    - Container json objects need "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config" changed to "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest<slots>.config" (%slots% to <slots>)

    - Durasteel is now an ore
    - Steel has been replaced by tungsten
    - Circuitborad has been replaced by siliconboard

    Removed Items
    - pressurizedbeam
    - pressurizedgirder
    - pressurizedplatform
    - pressurizedsteel
    - steelplatform
    - brains
    - in all forms (chains,platforms,bars,etc.)

    Container Object script
    - containerCallback removed

    - Respawn files changed to take multiple difficulties
    - Need to include T1 ship image in cinematics/story/smallship for protectorate mission.
    - If you have a race mod you need a new custom beam up animation.

    - The portrait size changed
    - No longer needs to patch the ai mission files
    - Now you only need to patch in the race and the ai frames and portrait

    AI Station / Tech Station / 3D printer
    - Changed & moved images for tech console.

    - .codex & .codexitem merged into .codex
    - New "race" parameter, value should be "other" for race mods for now.

    Initial Codexes:
    - Initial codexes changed to protectorate1 & 2. Include those 2 plus your own in your codex.config.patch.

    Initial Quest
    - The initial quest has been changed to protectorate so include this one to your initial quests.

    - Some group changed name or where completely removed.

    - .tech and .techitem merged into one .tech file.
    - No more input function, the movement parameter are now in the update function parameter

    - Inbound & outbound changed to input & output respectively
    - In object scripts, the entity table/key word has been replaced by object table/keyword
    - The world.logInfo, world.logWarn and world.logError have all been moved to the sb table and should be called like so: sb.logInfo, sb.logWarn and sb.logError
    - world.objectConfigParameter has been replaced by world.getObjectParameter.

    - The key "frames" has been replaced by the key "image"

    Disclaimer: i haven't tested all these changes as of right now so some data may be inaccurate. feel free go give corrections if needed to.​
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Currently the only major difference between nightly and 1.0 is lack of story missions.
    So as long as users develop mods for nightly in mind - they should be fine.
  3. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    - Armors had some value changes as well as JSON keys. So if your mod has armors, you will need to update those.
    - Converting your weapons to the "activeitem" format as well.
    - Any custom player ship mods will need to be updated for allowing crew.

    Those are the biggest things that come to mind.
    C0bra5 likes this.
  4. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Mods which add a custom AI will need to change their AI's portrait frames to adjust to the new vanilla size. That's all I have for now.
    C0bra5 and lazarus78 like this.
  5. Storm_UK

    Storm_UK Existential Complex

    I was thinking of starting such a thread myself, after sayter asked me what kind of changes he needed to look for when updating FU. Seemed like a good thing to make general knowledge.

    Lua script and Json for objects where Inbound/Outbound appear in has been replaced with Input/Output.

    Most entity. functions are now object. excepting such as animator.setAnimationState and entity.setParameter to config.getParameter.

    Container json objects need "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config" changed to "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest<slots>.config" (%slots% to <slots>)
    AmazonValkyrie likes this.
  6. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    I wasn't modding much in Stable so I have no clue of all changes.

    Container object/script
    • containerCallback removed

    • .codex & .codexitem merged into .codex
    • New "race" parameter, value should be "other" for race mods for now.

    • AI system.
      • New format of ai.config. Only needs to patch in race AI pictures.
      • No longer need to patch missions.
      • No commands to patch.
    • Cinematics
      • Respawn seperated into multiple files for difficulties.
      • Need to include T1 ship image in cinematics/story/smallship for protectorate mission.
      • Teleport cinematic seperated for all races.
    • Objects
      • Need to include T1 ship image in objects/protectorate/objects/protectorateship for protectorate mission.
    • Codex
      • Initial codex are now protectorate1 & 2. Include those plus your own.
    • Tech console
      • Changed & moved images for tech console.
    • Quest
      • Initial quest is now protectorate.
    • Ship
      • blockey.config has changed slightly. brokenracefuelhatchTier0 & researchstation removed.

    • Groups/filters have new names

    • .tech & .techitem merged into .tech
    AmazonValkyrie, C0bra5 and The | Suit like this.
  7. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    well i updated the initial post with a list of all the changes reported so far.
  8. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    One important change for lua for debugging
    world.loginfo should now be sb.loginfo
  9. TheElderScroller

    TheElderScroller Pangalactic Porcupine

    If I'm right this is also the case for world.logWarn and world.logError.

    short: world.logX removed. Weren't they the same functions with sb.logX anyway?

    Also, world.objectConfigParameter is now world.getObjectParameter.
  10. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Yes both were the same. Now world.loginfo will be removed.
  11. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Tech scripts no longer have an input function; the function arguments are instead merged with the arguments of the update function. You can find both input and update arguments in function update(args).
    C0bra5 likes this.
  12. Segenam

    Segenam Phantasmal Quasar

    When messing around with mods, the changes I have noticed have been:

    ["inventorstable", "craftingstations"] has been set for all crafting stations (now we no longer have to shove everything in with the furniture!)
    "spinningwheel" changed to "craftingwheel" (ex: ["craftingwheel", "clothes"] for all your clothing needs)
    "wiringstation" changed to "craftingwiring"

    "frames" changed to "image"

    ship_error1.ogg replaced with clickon_error.ogg

    Item Changes:
    Durasteel is now an ore

    Removed Items: (or changed names I'm not sure)
    steel* (replaced with tungsten*)
    circuitboard (replaced with siliconboard)
    and there is probably a lot more

    *in all forms (chains,platforms,bars,etc.)
    Errors4l likes this.
  13. Omegagreen

    Omegagreen Starship Captain

    Quick! Grab all the Erchius you can and RUN! Make sure you get as much fuel as you can before the developers can add that indiscribable horror they were talking about.
    Also, Sail doesn't seem to work. They just sleep all day. I guess that will be fixed before anything can happen. I was even shouting at them to wake up.
    Apart from that, no actual knowledge of what's happening.
  14. Segenam

    Segenam Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah that will be fixed it's purposefully broken due to not wanting people to spoil themselves with the story in the nightly but if you don't mind spoilers there is always the nightly fix mod. Or if you do mind spoilers just use admin commands to get you past the broken sail so you can work on mods to get them up and ready for 1.0
  15. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    If you have a mod with custom planet, note that they reduced the number of layers a planet has (Same depth though) to 3 sub-layers instead of IIRC 5-8.
    Inf_Wolf14 likes this.
  16. Omegagreen

    Omegagreen Starship Captain

    Found the mod, but thanks anyway.
  17. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    welp i the list of updates should be updated again
  18. Inf_Wolf14

    Inf_Wolf14 Parsec Taste Tester

    At least in the case of vehicles:
    vehicle.configParameter => config.get parameter
    (Stable => Nightly)

    I suspect this might apply to other scripts referencing json elements, but I can only vouch for vehicles.
  19. TheElderScroller

    TheElderScroller Pangalactic Porcupine

    all lua functions which retrieve parameters are now config.getParameter.
    The scripts get sorted and cleared up at all.
  20. Storm_UK

    Storm_UK Existential Complex

    Note that .object files json will need "inputNodes" and "outputNodes" for their connections instead of "inboundNodes"/"outboundNodes"
    Inf_Wolf14 likes this.

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