Well i probably don't have as many mods as you but I deleted/unsubscribed from the mods and reinstated them in groups. The one i found causing the problem was called "Earth's Finest - Crew Improvements". I think it may be mods that affect Crew members. But i dont know how many mods you have so this process could be a bit tedious.
I'm not sure where to post about bugs, but one thing that makes interacting with generated villages on volcanic planets impossible is that when fire rain starts breaking apart the NPC village, they auto-aggro the player. Hope this helps! xD
My game crashes 3 times in a row when i visited the stargate thing on the first planet. If i try to close the "activate" window (where it says require 20 core fragments), the game will crash instantly. It is after the latest update, and its the mac version. still doesn't not work T T
If that didn't work you may have to go through the mods to find the one causing the problem.Its not a fun process but it works and is easy.
I am very grateful for a lot of these changes! The unmatched hue thing was quite the hassle, and I'm glad crew members will scale to level.
Still no fix for engineer and mechanic crew having no limits leading to silly glitches and game-breaks? I mean engineers effectively make fuel completely pointless(reducing the cost of jumping to 1%) and mechanics can buffer overflow the ships fuel capacity causing it to "loop" when they reach a very high maximum. I refuse to use either for those reasons right now but I would like to have a more realistic ship crew at some point. Edit: They probably have to be changed in just how they help the ship, like increasing ship fuel efficiency by 25% once, or increasing ship fuel capacity once by 500 or something. But not like, endlessly increasing the efficiency to limitless levels or overflowing the games limit and momentarily breaking the GUI leaving us with a severely reduced fuel tank.
I placed down a fluffalo in my ship and as far as i can tell i cant get him out please fix this or tell me how to
Why this change? Makes no sense to me, especially in moment of panic. I put my sword in the first slot, and as a habit I tap "1" when I come across a monster to make sure I have my weapon. Now, I might end out deselecting it. Isn't what "Z" is for ? (thanks to soopytwist) Also, concerning platform: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/please-change-how-to-jump-down-platforms.117845/ Thank you for this great game !
So still no pause function then? I've died twice while in a menu. Once while getting completely confused by all the quests I was picking up while in a Floran village (to the point where they all start to merge into each other and I had no f'ing clue what was going on) - scrolling through the quests trying to make sense of what was happening only the be mobbed by a gang of female convicts and killed almost instantaneously. Gee, thanks. The second time was urgently crafting a much needed salve in the crafting window only to be dive-bombed by a bird hidden behind the crafting window and killed. Terraria pauses the game while in the crafting/inventory window. There is absolutely no reason why Starbound can't do the same while in the crafting window, inventory, matter manipulator window, codex.... all of them. Including pressing Escape. And on the subject of the codex I don't bother to read any of it because by the time I've read a four pager I'm half way starved to death already. PAUSE NOW NEXT UPDATE DO IT --- Post updated --- Press Z EDIT Ooh look at that, this forum is duplicating my posts again, how original.
I found a glitch that lets me make so many craftable items as i want i don't now how to trigger it and it doesen't go away i want to play but i don't want the option to cheat. Can anyone help me?
Of all the changes, I'm the happiest about the dirt. Well, duel wielding grapples again is nice, I guess.
YAY, thanks for the dirt change. Though some people who want biome-themed dirt colors might not like the change, but hey, they can still paint it with the paint tool. I was able to extend the flat spot on my world to make room for more houses, and it worked perfectly, no longer have to worry about trying to modify dirt areas.
? You need to set the max party config serverside AND clientside. Works fine for me. I've got 10+ peeps in a party.