RELEASED お茶Mi's Bathrooms Recolours

bathroom recolour that goes with devilbro bathroom after 2nd houseupgrade mod

  1. お茶Mi's

    お茶Mi's Big Damn Hero

    お茶Mi's submitted a new mod:

    お茶Mi's Bathrooms - Bathrooms Recolors

    Read more about this mod...
      Cemo, Medicell, Mana-chan and 2 others like this.
    • Coolwyngs

      Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

      So cute Would you mind unpacking them into a .png file? I can not do it myself
        お茶Mi's likes this.
      • お茶Mi's

        お茶Mi's Big Damn Hero

        Thank you, They already come unpacked in the .Zip folder :3
        • Coolwyngs

          Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

          oh wow thank you I will fix it my self thank you
            お茶Mi's likes this.
          • お茶Mi's

            お茶Mi's Big Damn Hero

            Your welcome, ///v\\\
            • Coolwyngs

              Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

              yes purple bathroom here I come
                お茶Mi's likes this.
              • Rosalie

                Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

                adorable!! very nice work :love:
                  お茶Mi's likes this.
                • eemie

                  eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                    お茶Mi's likes this.
                  • お茶Mi's

                    お茶Mi's Big Damn Hero

                    Thank you so much, <3
                      Rosalie likes this.
                    • Mana-chan

                      Mana-chan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      So beautiful! The pink one is perfect for me. Thank you! ♥
                        お茶Mi's likes this.
                      • お茶Mi's

                        お茶Mi's Big Damn Hero

                        Aww Thank you, i saw some pink lovers in the Community so i decided to make one. :3
                          Mana-chan likes this.
                        • Ardalis

                          Ardalis Subatomic Cosmonaut

                          Very nice, finally found a bathroom to match my house, thanks!
                            お茶Mi's likes this.
                          • お茶Mi's

                            お茶Mi's Big Damn Hero

                            Thank you, :3
                              Ardalis likes this.
                            • Chrysanthe

                              Chrysanthe Starship Captain

                              Your work is lovely~! Especially all the color combos. Thanks for sharing.
                                お茶Mi's likes this.
                              • お茶Mi's

                                お茶Mi's Big Damn Hero

                                Thank you, so much. I've been experimenting with colors for quite some time~
                                • HeadIsVacant

                                  HeadIsVacant Aquatic Astronaut

                                  You really have a talent for this, everything you make is so pretty. :) Is there some way to make it possible to use this bathroom recolour along with your kitchen recolour?
                                    お茶Mi's likes this.
                                  • お茶Mi's

                                    お茶Mi's Big Damn Hero

                                    Thank you so much!!~ and yes you can. (You have to merge the "farmhouse_tiles.png" together)
                                    • mirnamika

                                      mirnamika Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Anyone got a 1.5 update for this mod?

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