RELEASED  * MIMI's Portraits * [ Abigail, Alex, Shane // Penny New , 4/19 ]

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by mimirotty, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. SasuraUchiha

    SasuraUchiha Cosmic Narwhal

    Oh, how cute!
    Now I really want to marry her. xD
      mimirotty likes this.
    • vanilla alpaca

      vanilla alpaca Void-Bound Voyager

      Your version of Shane is so handsome :love: Looking forward for more of your portraits, they all look so precious <3
        mimirotty likes this.
      • ShinAsakura

        ShinAsakura Void-Bound Voyager

        Mimi, I really want to marry your hands, and your penny portrait. 25/10 would download again. Thank you. Best portraits of the forum.
          Sheila and mimirotty like this.
        • caramelon

          caramelon Aquatic Astronaut

          I really love your work >< Please do any character
          • sheeppoops

            sheeppoops Astral Cartographer

            omg when you finish I want to use all these portraits qwq !! They are the best!
            • Seireki

              Seireki Void-Bound Voyager

              omg!! Best Shane's Portrait ever!! Waiting for handsome harvey and sabby!!! ///////////////////////////////////
              • meiows

                meiows Void-Bound Voyager

                awwwWW I love these!! :D
                • Cache

                  Cache Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  My gosh. Look at that shading. These must take you forever to do. Love your character in your picture, too.
                  • Ribbonain

                    Ribbonain Pangalactic Porcupine

                    Wow so cute will Elliot be done tooX3??

                    I also have question kinda related to your fourm picture. Are the items and clothes in the pic custom drawn in or they mods that could be found some were.? If so would you possibly share links to them. •w•?

                    Thank you for your time. <3
                    • HiHaHi123

                      HiHaHi123 Orbital Explorer

                      Awesome!Thank you!
                      • yerrowpikmin

                        yerrowpikmin Space Spelunker

                        Soooooooooo cute ^.^ best portaits ive seen i hope you make more
                        • Reizake

                          Reizake Void-Bound Voyager

                          These are really awesome portraits. I hope you plan on finishing them!
                          • AshesNeigh

                            AshesNeigh Void-Bound Voyager

                            These are GOOORRGEOUS!!! Can't wait to see more portraits from you!
                            • sheeppoops

                              sheeppoops Astral Cartographer

                              Are you going to continue these still? I was curious im such a fan of these portraits ;w;
                              • RozanePasteru

                                RozanePasteru Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                OH whats with the pink chat bar? how did you get it?
                                • Sheila

                                  Sheila Void-Bound Voyager

                                  I hope you get around to finishing this! You have a lovely, very professional art style and I think they're the best portraits in these forums ^^
                                  • honeybeemiel

                                    honeybeemiel Void-Bound Voyager

                                    i really adore it! I hope you come back to update Shane's portraits c:
                                    • socks860618

                                      socks860618 Void-Bound Voyager

                                      Love it SOOOOOOO much! <3 I hope you plan on finishing the Shane's portraits ! :D
                                      • Keishi

                                        Keishi Lucky Number 13

                                        It looks absolutely amazing. Great job
                                        • SheepMilks

                                          SheepMilks Phantasmal Quasar

                                          I absolutely love your portraits uwu !! You do so so so much justice to Penny and Alex both my husband/wife!

                                          Keep it up, I really love this, and man if i had any way to give you motivation Id give it to you! these are that good!
                                          I will use these in my game even though it probably doesnt match the other portraits! but thats fine uwu !!

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