Separate names with a comma.
Hi all, I've just created a mod called MultiPause! This mod adds mechanisms for time to be paused in multi-player when players are in menus or...
Hi All, I have been really enjoying the multiplayer beta so much lately but I really feel like the days are going so so fast! In the single...
good thing happens that if they could implement in the game a configuration to change the time type from 24 to 12 and vice versa I speak Spanish...
Could there be some adjustment as to how long a day takes to pass? In single player time passes much more slowly than in multiplayer so it feels...
Got some friends that work diffrent shifts? well this thread is for you my fellow farmer. Was wondering if its possible to implement constant...
today, i just make 5 iron bar using furnace, it take almost a day to finish it because of that i miss doing some work. walking from beach to home...
I've seen tons of AAA games with a fast-as-hell saving method. The classic circle that shows in a corner for, I don't know... 1 second? and the...
I have been looking for this but there is no answer to this bug/issue.. For some reason, the kegs inside my Barn and Shed take a lot longer to...
Hey! I'm wondering if someone could help me locate the area of the game files that I need to look to fiddle with the clock in the game? I simply...
When I was on the load screen, it said winter 8th, but when I loaded the game, it was spring 8th, My cat disappeared, and everything was green,...
Has anyone found a planet with a full day thing 65 Sols or more? 65 is the highest I have found, and I have been looking for about an hour.. PS:...
Hello Something that bothers me while playing Stardew Valley is the day time. The time of day and even the season bothers me and does not let me...
I did a fast look on forums to see if this was already found but didn't see it and i feel its a bug. Basically Right after Throwing out your rod...
Since I couldn't figure out how to delete this thread, I'm just setting it as defunct. --- "What is Engstom-Holbach?", you may ask. Well, dear...
How to increase the time before the game goes to respawn cut scene after player's death? Doesn't seem I can find any function for that. [IMG]
A HUGE THANKS TO @lazarus78 FOR HIS KIND DIRECTION FOR THE UPDATE OF 2.0! SEE HERE [MEDIA] Refer HERE for small updates on what have been...
[IMG] UPDATES: Refer HERE for updates. NOTE: You'll need THIS to craft the clocks. Introduction I really wanted to use the Planetary Clock in...
This is total rewrite of TimeSpeed Mod by cantorsdust. Looks like previous version still works fine with 1.11 but I wanted to add several other...
This is continuation of TimeSpeed Mod by cantorsdust. In addition to already present functionality it also: :confirm: adds notifications and...