Separate names with a comma.
The capture pods were enough to merit their own crafting station, and the collars are rarities. So why do the pets have such little practical use?...
[IMG] Ruined planets are post-endgame planets explorable only once the final boss has been defeated. They are planets that once cultivated vast...
To preface this, I'm totally not just suggesting this because I've spent almost a full in game year doing nothing but combing the entire map for...
I don't understand why this isn't a thing yet when Discord is more commonly used than IRC. If needed I can help with making the server.
So I was wondering if, instead of having a set title depending on how many points you have, you can pick any of the titles you have unlocked. I...
Hiya! Me and my boyfriend have been playing Stardew like crazy lately and were discussing a lot of things we love and would personally change...
Unfortunately for me, I married Alex BEFORE I saw his 8 heart event, which prevented me from seeing it since Alex never leaves the house and goes...
linus was the first villager who i talked to and is my first 10 heart i am at the winter star feast and robin offers for me to eat with them which...
Advance Wars was one big game for the era of turn based strategy on portable consoles but one thing that distinguished it from the rest of...
I'm looking forward to this game. There are some great mechanics and the designer does a great job with a few exceptions. [ATTACH] I have seen the...
Right now picking a race is just a matter of picking the best looking stuff; body, armor, ship. That's because there isn't really a reason,...
Here's my suggestions 1.Village will some time pay a visit to your farm 2.They will tend to walk on the path way you designed(function for...
This is a minor thing, but I really liked being able to move artifacts and gems around in museum on my Steam copy. I wish I could do that for my...
[MEDIA] Sorry for the glow effect,the video was kinda dark and also English is not my first language So after finishing it on my channel...
Yeah I know resetting the universe isn't something people would like to do very often but I like when I create a new character to have a fresh...
Hi guys! Advance Wars was one of my favorite series ever! I played every single one and would play with friends on AWBW too. Going to the...
This idea stems not from a lack of a mechanic that could be fun but from the fact that many of the mechanics of Starbound are disconnected,...
A simple suggestion/request. You know how the player does little animations when riding in vehicles (like hoverbikes)? Please make it so that NPCs...
I know this is a lot to ask,that's why this is only a suggestion.It's not really related to implementing something into the game.What I'd like if...
When I first started playing Starbound not too long ago, story tells that the universe is in peril, giving a false impression that other planets...