Separate names with a comma.
Recently I've gotten into modding, and I've got the basics down. Although, I'm having a difficult time understanding the .lua framework as to how...
I'm sure i am not the only person who has wondered about this since the dawn of Starbound. The starter ships are always seen with the interior...
Hi everyone! So where do i start, well, right now i have been working on a mod that adds tons of bosses and monsters from other games. The thing...
Hey ! I have two Problems . First Iám not got in english and second why can´t I find the size of sprites ? The thing is I see that Clint have this...
So I got bored and decide to start constructing Child versions of the bachelors and bachelorettes. Currently I only have the sprite for Penny done...
Busty Character Sprite v2.0 by Hellpanda How to install this mod - Copy .xnb files and place them in steamapps\common\Stardew...
So, I have been using skittles basic race template in an attempt to bring to life a personal project. I want to put a crest on the head of a...
I need help finding the bomb sprites for a mod pack I'm thinking of making
Sebby makeover! After I married Sebastian I figured I could try making my first mod. I wanted to give him an urban hairstyle and some clothes that...
Chrysanthe submitted a new mod: Elliott Refined - A refined sprite for Elliott with several improvements Elliott Refined This is a refined...
Elliott Refined This is a refined version of Elliott's sprite which I felt looked awkward and out of place next to the other bachelors. There are...
So, I'm attempting to work on a bulkier race with a relatively narrow head. I haven't looked into the game's sprite sheets too much, but is it...
Hello guy I am the guy who has been working on a SMAPI mod called TractorMod. I just released version 3.0.beta (learn more about it here) where...
[Update 11 December 2016] Added Sam profile Alternate Sam [IMG] Just the profile for now, I'll try to edit/add the sprite soon! [IMG] Profile:...
Been getting into mods the past few days, seeing a lot of lovely profile pictures/profiles for the characters and wanted to have a crack at...
Using my previous mod and by being inspired from this Haley edit I decided to create another sprite edit for Leah, this time being focused on a...
I really liked Leah, but let's face it, the sprite could be better, specially the sides and back, so I decided to modify it myself and gave her a...
First time posting here (and really the first time posting in any sort of forum, so please excuse any faux pas as I'm getting the etiquette...
Good morning! I don't really know how to mod stuff so I come here to request one thing, I wanted a mod to change the Galaxy Sword's sprite for the...
SO I was super pumped for the new update and am totally up for marrying shane, but after marriage I really wanted to get him a new sweater without...