Separate names with a comma.
You receive a copper bar in your mailbox in the morning, with a hastily scribbled note asking to get it to the Dwarf before 8am. You take it to...
I'm looking for people to work with on a mod! I'll get right to the point. Starbound provides a great foundation upon which to build interesting...
I'm going through my first winter and received the quest to catch a squid. Unfortunately, I haven't been having any luck. I tried multiple spots...
I have this little gem for about 2 weeks and I really love this game, but there a few things that are bugging me out. One of the things that are...
I have a quest where a tenant is asking to have 3 wierd things placed in a room. what counts as wierd things? and is there a quick way to find...
I don't know why but when i see the paths in stardew i think bikes. i even feel like it could even have a quest associated with it. and you could...
WARNING Quest spoiler I have been trying to feed the skeleton in the desert a Solar Essence for a few in game days now and it won't work, do I...
As it says, I'd suggest putting small faces of the various townsfolk onto the map like the old Rune Factory games, lets you track down the people...
So there is this quest called "How to make friends", if i remember correctly. I just completed it by "giving" a gift to a person i had already...
Hello Everyone, it's me again to a new suggestio I was thinking in some new ways of "passive" qests in the game, you don't need to complete them...
I just got back into the nightly, and I'm wondering if the Moonbase quest, and other quests are still around, or do I have to do the other NPC...
My idea is instead of starting on a ship you earn your right to buy one like a market for ships it could be called The grand star exchange you can...
Vibrum Revolution is a mod that aims to extend the endgame of star-bound as far as possible! If that sounds like your cup o' tea then lets begin!...
Hey guys, after the latest Patch or 2 patches ago I logged back in and all my quests reset. I have all the items and advanced crafting benches and...
Первый квест называется "снаряжение" не может быть выполнена.Когда я делаю верстак и привести его к НПЦ он не видит, что верстак в инвентаре....
Hi my starbound games quest reset but I kept all my stuff and my ship upgrades and now I have to do the bounty hunters cake quest all over again...
I really enjoy USCM stuff. I want it to be something big in the quest line, such as a side quest for humans involving joining the USCM and giong...
Stupid question but what type of furniture do glitches like and where can i find it?
I have been enjoying Starbound for quite some time now and the last major update had some fun and interesting features. Although I am unaware of...
This may seem like a minor issue, but it seems that the trash cans in the outpost in MY singleplayer world, my server, and both my sister's and...