Separate names with a comma.
Turns the coffee machine into a crafting station that can use the coffee, flat white coffee and mochaccino recipes. Adds a recipe for the coffee...
Changes the shortdescription value of cottonwool.item to "Cotton Yarn". itemName remains cottonwool. Should be compatible with any mod that does...
Do cool things with pipes! Things that are added by this mod: Basic Pipe: Not much to say about it, it can be used to connect other types of...
Hello all, As I play Starbound I've been compiling a list of minor changes that I feel would vastly, if subtly, improve the game. I'll provide a...
The following are items that I feel would make life easier on the player, mainly doing with changes of improvements to the UI. Hotbar Switch -...
Suggestion: Add a key to temporarily fade out all overlaying tiles (tree tops, buildings, etc.) in the screen. Reasons: This allows better...
Ok so with hops its only a day and you have brew to sell that's worth a decent amount, that's fine and all but I wanted to have my farm be a Wine...
I find that Iridium is a pain in the butt to find. I'd really like a recipe to transmute, say, 5 Gold bars to 1 Iridium bar. It would really be...
The Modular Searchable Storage Introduction One thing that often comes up when searching for things that a lot of players, myself included, have...
rosett's Harvester Beamgun mod, updated for Pleased Giraffe and forward. [SPOILER] A nifty tool for harvesting large farms. The primary fire...
The Ground-Penetrating Radar station. Place and interact to see the world around you. It takes a second to load up... [IMG] ...but it's worth it!...
This mod provides three new items, purchased at the Teleporter shop: the Broadcast Beacon, the Reception Beacon, and the Hyper-storage Beacon....