Separate names with a comma.
Pengukin Cute Eyes Requires the Pengukin Race to be installed. Can be added or removed at anytime. [IMG] Is compatible with Pengukin Tails....
Pengukin Noot Hurt Sound [IMG] This mod replaces the Pengukin hurt sound with a Noot sfx. Requires the Pengukin Race to be installed. Can be...
Party Pengukin Beaks and Feet [IMG] This mod ADDS some new fun colours to the Pengukin beaks and feet. This will not affect already made...
Party Pengukin Feathers [IMG] This mod ADDS some new fun colours to the Pengukin feathers. This will not affect already made characters or npcs....
Pengukin Tails [IMG] This is a sprite replacement mod that needs the Pengukin race installed to work. Changes the body sprites to have a tail....
Pengukin [IMG] Someone asked for this... I forget who. Anywho I started it like a year ago and then only recently came back to it. They are all...