Separate names with a comma.
Don't know if this is a bug or just the way it is with mobile sometimes... I had a piece of cloth on the spool, paused the game, saved a backup...
Howdy Ladies and Gentlemen. I've been playing Stardew Valley casually for almost 2 years now, it's been my guilty pleasure. This game and its...
aaaa hi peeps c:
So basically I'm adding a single item to the template mod, following it's format as well as I could, but it's not working and I just KNOW it's...
Prepare to be boarded.
Every time I go to use it the tiles they are extremely huge i scaled them to 16x16 they are still huge am I doing something wrong are we not...
I smashed a can of coke in a bar with a sledgehammer. to this day folks still wonder how I managed to sneak a sledgehammer and a can of coke into...
Hey guys, I am a new user to the Chuckle Fish Forum Page, intrested in Starbound. The first time I have actually wanted to get the game was on...