Separate names with a comma.
Hi there. I've been wondering if there's a tool to test out lua files for starbound (with it's unique API), to see the effects of changes or even...
Another aspiring novice-intermediate Starbound modder here, been spending the last couple of evenings solely on searching far and wide for some...
Hello I'm on the update of my mods. I use root.assetJson() in some cases and even expect, that it throws exceptions in rare cases. To prevent the...
Hello, all! I was wondering if the Augmentable items can even be modded to have multiple Augment slots. While trying to do so on the EPPs, I've...
So, Starbound has finally hit 1.0! Pretty cool if you ask me. Except, it's missing something. I remembered seeing this a while back, and when I...
Same mod from the previous two topics just onto another issue at least. I want to say really quickly that I'm not familiar with lua and tried to...
This is a modified hoverbike.lua which is a modders resource, which allows modders to easily have a flying VTOL vehicle just like my UT-47 Shuttle...
does anyone know what the parameters are for this function? world.damageTiles(...) all i managed to find out is that the 5th parameter is a xy...
I'm trying my best to stumble through lua and I want to think this is a simple thing to do, because I've looked at different mods and I'm at my...
I'm working on a weapon which will use a few different sounds to indicate its state(s), but I can't figure out how the playSound() function works....
Well.... I've hit a rut... I'm over here trying to update the lucario race mod to GG well the rest to GG (Thank Mackinz for that fix). So I...
Hey, guys. Ran into this snag: I'm working on a modded race and I'm trying to expand the dialog of the cabin tenant to respond to the race of...
I have some problems with world.callScriptedEntity. Im using this code world.callScriptedEntity(id, "entity.say", "hi") where id contains a...
Hey! Xan here. Before I get started, please acknowledge that this project may not even arrive. This is more of a TINY idea right now, but I'd...
So a lot of us are in a boat together: we've managed to get broken Deeds which hang the game. This is usually done by having a tenant already...
Sorry if the solution is simple and I just haven't noticed it yet, but I've been dipping my toes into creating custom weapons for myself and a...
Vanilla Boat fix(es) v. Cheerful Giraffe (special thanks to Lazarus78 and Mackinz for Cheerful Update) Makes the boat behave in wind like it was...
I'm trying to read the Item-Name out of the contained Item of my Scripted-Container. The Error Code I get is: [13:24:24.787] Error: Exception...
Hey, I already asked this in the Modding Help, but I believe this is an issue so I will report this here: Version: Unstable - Glad Giraffe Update...
Hey guys, I don't know if I am doing something wrong or this is just bugged in Starbound Unstable, which I am playing at. So I tried to use...