Separate names with a comma.
I don't know where else to put this so for now here it is. Just a random Starbound love story. Hope you enjoy. [MEDIA]
I'm currently married to Sam. We have one child, Mia. Sam was my first love, and he will always have a special place in my heart. But then, there...
I went though the mod library in Starbounder, Chucklefish Community Forums, Nexus Mods, and Steam Community Workshop but, I cannot find one mod or...
Starbound got me into gaming on the pc. I remember I played starbound on my old windows so much the computer stopped working. sadly I had a Really...
Edit: This mod is now updated to work with 1.1! Hello guys, this is my first mod, and it is a Krobus and Dwarf marriage mod, If y'all would like,...
I feel that even though the issue of the spouses in Stardew Valley being even somewhat robotic in behaviour has been revised, there should be some...
I've recently started going through all of my favorite sites and disabling my ad-blocker when I noticed the Chucklefish forums have no ads anyway....
Okay, I have four ideas here, the first shouldn't be too hard, the second a bit difficult, however the third and fourth, probably would be pretty...
I am finally reaching Year 3! And one thing I noticed, it is very easy to get hearts for NPCs. For example, just get salad for Leah 2 times a...
For those who played modded baldur's gate 1&2, they should be pretty familiar with what I'm requesting. For the other here is a quick rundown:...
First of all I LOVE this game It has already consumed hours of my life. I have almost no complaints about it, to me it is almost perfect. Almost....
If anyone knows how, please tell he how to edit npc hearts/disposition in the save files. That is all.
Okay, so, I very much wanted to get a thing going with Leah, but I was a bit late to get going. I got two hearts with her, but suddenly, I saw...