Separate names with a comma.
It's relatively simple. Every two handed weapon has a special attack you can execute with right click. Players can execute them freely so long...
Hey yall i just made the crewmates from among us as a race they come with: - 57 Hats - 16 Shirts -17 Pants [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
I only got the game 6 days ago (According to the date when i posted this thread) and been building a growing colony ever since... Besides...
Engineers:instead of decreasing fuel usage when travelling,increase how much adding a fuel "ore" will add to actual fuel (i.e when adding Liquid...
========== Description: ========== This is just a compatibility patch for my Hunter Crewmembers mod and the Job Offers mod. *STARBOUND WILL CRASH...
========== Description: ========== [Note]: The incompatibility issues with Frackin Universe have been fixed! Hurray! This mod adds a new class...