Separate names with a comma.
On the 5th day of Spring in the 1st year I meet up with Lewis in front of the Community Center and when we go into it my game crashes. it starts a...
Oh boy, this is going to be a list of suggestions: Being able to customize your farm from the beginning, not with just a prescribed farm maps....
Hi there! I've been playing around a year now and am new to the site. Hoping to contribute and meet new players as addicted as I am! XD I also...
Hi there! (Pacific Standard Time)Newbie to Multiplayer here. Looking for help with the Mines, and Skull Cavern. I've logged over 300 hours so I'm...
Even at night, it's daytime in the farm's little cave. Just another of those little continuity details to point out.
I went to the Marnie house with carrot. She said 'you brought it!' and stopped. Pressing any key on the keyboard does not move. it was no use even...
I sorta wish that after every like, 3 years you could change what your cave is. Anyone else? I’ve always chosen mushrooms and now wanting to go...
I was looking at the first anniversary post and he told me about the cave system he had put in, so I thought, well, it would be really cool if...
Hello everyone, Hope here with a collection of mods I have made. This is an every growing list and will be added to periodically. My most recent...
I saw a thread or two about folks and the lack of interest in the caves at a certain point. What if we were given the option to change caves, or...
Adds Cooling EPP with Xenon light to the game. Instructions: type "/admin" type "/spawnitem xenonepp" [ATTACH]
The sound of the elevator notification when you're in the cave is incredibly louder than the rest of the game audio. This might need fixing mostly...
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So, When I first started stardew valley I thought. "awe this cute little cave will be my perserves area" Then one day Demetrius shows up asking if...
I've lost some tools in the cave. My scythe and my watering can. I've looked through the forums and I've come to the "resolution" of using a save...
Hi, lets just get to it! When I enter the cave in the top left of the desert my game just instantly closes. No error, no pop-up, no freeze. Just...
Cave story items with over 100000000p graphics. [IMG] Craft quote at a crafting table. Get sweet rewards for exploring like : [IMG] A hat. Or :...
Hi there! I've been playing Stardew Valley for countless hours on end since it's release and am absolutely loving it. With that said I seem to...