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Overview: One of the things that irritates me is that my crews keeps sticking themselves on the teleporter all the time, which inspired me to...
Pretty self explanatory title. 1. I have a ranged weapon, a clone of the water pistol, its associated projectiles and the wet status effect. 2....
greetings to all ladies and gentlemen out there in this vast universe. ah, and happy holidays i guess. first off, please pardon me if this might...
So I was about to head to the traveling merchant, when suddenly I bumped into something. Someone. The Wizard. He actually moved away a few steps,...
[ATTACH] Bored of seeing monotonous attacks from the randomly generated monsters? Not anymore! This mod allows procedurally generated monsters...
Birthday Behavior Custom Dialogue and Schedules for Birthdays Are you a Stardew Valley Socialite? Do the interactions you have with characters...
Crew do not to close doors as they go through them. This mod does a little messing with the crew pathing code to try and stop them from closing...
The bone dragon is already an incredibly underwhelming boss, but this just makes things so much worse. I'm probably not the first to discover...
Due to making a own boss, I'm trying to read unpacked assets, like /behaviors/monsters/boss/*/*.behavior. But, I stumble at reading...
Hello, I have an idea for creating a mod where i would assign a bed to a tenant and they would go to their bed when going to sleep. I have some...
I had a few ideas for monsters that I think would be interesting. Forgive me if some of these ideas area already being considered, but hopefully...
Let me explain what I mean with "minor defense" Suggestion/idea. Having a guard can be expensive or simply not fit in your peaceful settlement,...
So... i went back to SB after i read about the new update, here are my first impressions: -Hey , a whistling ponytail gnome , sweet, i wanna...