Zerotap Dash, for bk3k's More Powerful Techs! Use a dedicated configurable dash key to activate your sustained dashing techs!
ZTD is a Dash mechanic change. It removes all other forms of activating Dash (double tap, mod-introduced key combinations or hard coded hotkeys) and uses a configurable hotkey.
Note that like all ZT Mod Mods, this includes the base Zerotap Dash mod and thus vanilla techs are affected.
UNLIKE all other ZT Mod Mods, it was not possible to simply patch the techs and hook my script into his. I had to completely rewrite bk3k's custom dashing script. I made sure it functions exactly the same way, but this does mean that if bk3k changes his mod's functions, mine will lag behind.
Therefore this mod DOES replace the LUA file and WILL overwrite changes made by you or other mods that load before it (none exist to my knowledge though). bk3k's More Powerful Techs is still required; this mod is not standalone.
Steam version: Zerotap bk3k
Thanks to AdmiralBilly for hosting!
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Zerotap Dash For bk3k's More Powerful Techs 1.1
A more powerful dash key.