Quick description : A mod to create a new Teleportation network, to teleport to other locations of the same world without reloading the whole map.
Download the "HLib_stable.pak" file
Steam Link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1357827896
[h1]0. Notes, warnings, etc...[/h1]
This mod is using HLib, a set of scripts that Hiran made to help mod devs. You can't use WTM 3.1 without it.
Current version of the mod : 3.1.11
This mod was tested for a long time, and shouldn't have any problem. If you find one, please contact me ASAP on forums, or on our discord server (link on the bottom)
[h1]1. Description[/h1]
WTM Teleporter Mod (Recursive Acronym) is a mod which provides a new teleporting bookmark management system. It uses its own data storage format, and allows much more sorting functions than the Vanilla system.
It also provides objects with specific features, to help players to build an efficient teleporting network.
This is the light version of the mod, which doesn't provide the WarpBook, the Dispenser and the CECs. It can be used as a modpack requirement, while allowing players to use the main version.
YOU CAN'T HAVE BOTH VERSIONS OF WTM INSTALLED AT THE SAME TIME ! You will have to choose one, and uninstall the other.
If you set the light version as a server requirement, players should be able to connect if they have the full version, but may crash if they attempt to use or place full version objects (Server, Dispenser, CEC).
Items :
- The DataCard : An item used to transfer datas between WTM objects
- The Beacon : A teleporter, able to store bookmarks, and teleport you to them
- The OWT (One-Way Teleporter) : A tiny teleporter which only stores one set of coordinates
- The Server : A back-up tool, which can be used to transfer datas between players
- The WorkBench : The object you need to craft anything
- The Configurator : A tool used to manipulate datacards, or to configure the OWT
[h1]2. F.A.Q.[/h1]
- My game crashed because of this mod / The objects aren't answering / I got an error message in my logs
> Please contact me on the forums, or on my Discord server.
- What is HLib / Why is it needed ?
> HLib is a set of scripts written by Hiran to help mod devs (like me). As I'm using many of his functions, this is a requirement. Please note that WTM2.1 was using his scripts, but I embedded them into the mod.
- Where are the crafts ?
> You need to craft a WTM Workbench at the Architect's Station. All the other objects can be crafted from this object.
- Why are there less objects in this version than in the main version ?
> Because this is the light version. Please use the main version if you want to use the other objects.
[h1]3. Useful Links and Thanks[/h1]
Discord server : https://discord.gg/ejvfZ2a
Many thanks to Hiran, for his help, since the beginning of this mod
Thanks to Sigma64 for his graphics (server / workbench) which I used to create some other objects (Import Tool, dispenser)
Special thanks to Xalibur, for his assets (WarpBook (full sized) and Configurator)
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
WTM Teleporter Mod LIGHT VERSION V3.2
The WTM Teleporter Mod, but without the OP stuffs
Recent Updates
- Small fixes Jul 24, 2018
- V3.1.11 : Added the Security Station, PassCards, and the LightBeacon May 11, 2018