WEAPON TECH MOD by Riuny V.0.6.0 (Pleased Giraffe - outdated)
NOTICE : This mod is currently outdated. Updated version for latest build will be posted in near future.
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A.Now we have a nice little handout codex called 'WTM Manual'. It contains basic instructions of this mod. You can craft it with bare hands.
B.'Emission Modifier' has been changed and its UI is very different now. It has to be placed nearby 'Modifier Container' to function correctly. Put weapons into the container first, and then use the modifier to change the color of skill effect. Invalid weapon will show up on the console UI. Both of these objects can be crafted with bare hands.
A.To uninstall this mod properly, first, you have to unequip everything that belongs to this mod.(Techs, Weapons & Objects)
B. Delete or remove this mod from your mod folder.
C. Use THIS LINK to download blank modpak file.
D. Put downloaded file into your mod folder.
# I know it is kind of absurd that you have to install another mod to delete this mod but this is the only solution I have right now. I'll implement better solution to this problem if I find one.
* Before I finish this posting, I must warn every mod user or mod creator who downloads this mod that this mod is REALLY,REALLY BETA. I did tested several times before I upload it, but still can be buggy. It needs further refinement.
**Current Future Plan
- More Weapons & More Techs
- New Armors
- More challenging mobs & bosses
***If you have any suggestion or comment or bug report, I would like to know about it. You can leave comments in discussion section.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Weapon Tech Mod V.
Adds special techs that can only be used with certain weapons.
Recent Updates
- Revision #2 of V.0.6.0 Sep 30, 2015
- Revision #1 of V.0.6.0 Sep 29, 2015
- RE-update Sep 28, 2015