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Outdated WaveDiver ToyBox 1.1

Music box alternative, less shrill and more realistic than the default one.

  1. Osoreshi
    Version: 1.1
    Ninja onion almost hit my retina after playing Fragments of Memories from FF8 with this. Like if the Music Box wasn't awesome enough, you make it more awesome. Love it
    1. Alex WaveDiver
      Author's Response
      Damn ninjas cutting onions! D:

      Thanks for your review!
  2. Windcaller
    Version: 1.0
    Ah, another good instrument. Thanks for uploading this, the quality is great. =)
    1. Alex WaveDiver
      Author's Response
      My pleasure ยท:)
  3. rekahster
    Version: 1.0
    exelent, god work !
    1. Alex WaveDiver
      Author's Response
      Thanks, Rekahster!
  4. Gyroscope
    Version: 1.0
    So peaceful and realistic sounding. Maximum possible quality
    1. Alex WaveDiver